19. Reconnaissance

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Luckily enough, the park that I took the dolls to the next afternoon was practically deserted.

The people that did happen to be there, however, barely paid any attention to me even though I had the dolls out in the open for everyone to see. Not that it mattered—the dolls were smart with their movements so that they wouldn't draw any unnecessary attention.

The sun was shining brightly that day, which made me even more excited to spread out a blanket to lay across while I read my book and sipped on my lemonade. My dolls snacked on the treats I packed and mostly enjoyed the sunshine alongside me.

Mostly, because there were a few instances where I had to stop Jin from trying to sit inside my lemonade glass. Jungkook found it hilarious and tried to copy him, too.

I found it increasingly difficult to understand why Jin had such an obsession with sitting inside drinks.

When I tried asking him about it, he shrugged and said something along the lines of "I'm only trying to understand them better by getting to know them on a personal level."

Okay, Jin, I thought to myself as I forced a smile and nodded at him. That's totally not weird at all.

A little later, I was in the middle of turning a page in my book when a wet popping noise sounded against my cheek.

With a blink, I adjusted my glasses along the bridge of my nose and narrowed my eyes at Yoongi. "What was that?"


"You did not just throw a blueberry at my face."

"Like I said, it was nothing. You're just imagining things."

I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to my romance novel. I cared more about Bella and Edward than I cared about arguing with Yoongi. Too many hours a day were constantly wasted by my constant bickering with the mint-haired doll.

That was too much precious time that I could be putting into my reading or writing.

After I adjusted my position so that I was sitting up, Jungkook pounced on the opportunity to crawl into my lap. He propped himself on my right thigh and leaned against my stomach as he peered at the pages in my book with fascination.

"Will you read to me, Y/N?" Jungkook sweetly asked.

My gaze wandered until it settled on Namjoon. He happily sat with a copy of Aristotle's Ethics that I got for him earlier that week. Because that doll loved philosophy like no other, I also got him some books by Plato and Socrates. Those were tucked aside in the picnic basket just for him.

Hoseok and Jimin sat on opposite ends of the book to hold it open for Namjoon, occasionally getting up to assist him in turning the pages. But not before cleaning off their hands from their snacks like Namjoon demanded.

I smiled.

"Why don't you have Namjoon read to you?"

Jungkook frowned at that, the pout sending his features into a reflection of naivety and innocence. "Because. His stuff is so boring and I wanna read a story."

Namjoon's head popped up like the crack of a whip. "Hey! Don't say things like that, have some respect."


"Thank you."

"—For speaking the truth."

Namjoon jumped to his feet as if he was about to square up with Jungkook. But before he could even try anything, I closed my book and then pushed Namjoon back down with the pad of my thumb.

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