33. Moving Along

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I stared at the running water, lost in thought while I absentmindedly opened the cabinet to take out my contacts.

When I moved to shut off the water, my arm accidentally bumped my glasses and I cringed at the sound of them clattering against the floor.

"Perfect," I groaned, crouching to swipe them from the floor so I could put them on the other side of the counter.

After I successfully put my contacts in, I wandered back into my kitchen.

The freshly brewed coffee immediately wafted through my senses, followed by the sound of Kitty's deep purring at the sight of me.

I gave her a look with a small smile. "You know you aren't allowed on the counters."

She stared back at me with her wide, innocent and mischievous eyes. But she didn't fight me when I reached out to pick her up or when I set her down on the wooden flooring beside me.

I grabbed a coffee mug from my collection and poured the dark liquid into my cup, my thoughts still scattered.

"Do you know what day it is today, Kitty?" I glanced at her while I made my way over to the fridge to pull out my two favorite creamers: french vanilla and hazelnut.

Kitty only rubbed her body against my leg as she strode away from the kitchen and into the living room.

"Of course not," I sighed. "No one ever does."

While I mixed the creamers into my coffee, watching the swirls of the cream coloring over the dark liquid, my mind gravitated to them with the smallest glimmer of hope that they hadn't forgotten.

My feet were already carrying me there before I thought much of it.

I pressed the edge of my mug against my lips, allowing the hot liquid to seep between them as I swallowed and observed the rooms in front of me.

The doors were open—I never closed them. I was too afraid to. When they were closed it felt like they were really gone, and when they were open I could pretend I was waiting for them to come home.

The bedrooms were almost identical to each other. They had two sets of bunk beds and a desk each, with a closet on the walls furthest from the bathroom in the middle where the two rooms connected.

Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi would have been sharing one of the rooms if they were home with me. Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin would be sharing the other.

But they weren't home. They never would be.

I closed my eyes as I took another sip of my coffee, doing my very best to push away the tears that I knew were coming.

My phone buzzed in the back pocket of my pajama only moments later, alerting me of an incoming Skype call.

Nearly forgetting about the coffee in my hands, I sprinted toward my bedroom, narrowly dodging my cat who was innocently trying to cross the hallway.

I sat in front of my laptop and accepted the Skype call, which buffered for a few minutes before connecting.

"Y/N!" Namjoon smiled and excitedly waved. "How have you been?"

"Good, I'm great," I panted, still out of breath. "How are you? How are the others?"

"We're good," his voice muffled as he froze for a moment on my screen. When the connection was stable again, I could clearly hear the commotion going on in the background while he spoke. "We just have a lot going on today, but it's been so long that I wanted to make a point to check on you today."

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