20. The Lion's Den

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Jimin sat across from me on the other side of the living room, elbows on his knees, fingers boredly tapping in different patterns across his chin.

His gaze grew more frustrated over time, but instead of pretending to care, I continued to sip my chamomile tea. I basked in its warm fragrance as I took an annoyingly long sip, making sure to slurp a little extra loud as I held his gaze.

Jimin's eyes narrowed as his face began to turn pink.

His lips started to quiver.

I tilted my head, a sinister energy filling me as I continued to watch Jimin crumble under my gaze.

Until he snapped.

Finally releasing a long breath, he shouted, "I can't take you seriously with Jungkook braiding your hair like that!"

Jungkook paid Jimin no attention, continuing to happily weave my hair into unique patterns between his fingers while sitting on my right shoulder.

I grinned in victory, exclaiming, "I won!"

Jimin groaned. "That was stupid. I'm bored out of my mind. I'm sick of being locked in here like prisoners with absolutely nothing to do."

As soon as he finished his sentence, I happened to choke on my tea and spill some of it in the process. Yoongi snorted from under the coffee table, his favorite place to take naps, and I immediately rolled my eyes.

Taehyung whispered, "and that's the tea, sis."

I looked down at Taehyung, startled because I didn't know that he was sprawled across my thighs as if I was the comfiest bed he'd ever laid on. And I couldn't believe who he just quoted.

"I'm banning you from YouTube, Tae."

Shocked, he looked back up at me with wide eyes that were already full of tears.

"You—you're doing what?"

"Careful, you don't wanna break the poor baby's heart," Jin warned in a light, humorous tone.

"I'm not a baby!" Taehyung jumped to his feet and then stomped on my thigh. In the middle of the process, he lost his balance and then rolled off my leg and thudded against the carpet.

The whole scene triggered Jin's screeching hyena laugh.

Taehyung ran out of the room without another word, tears bursting from his eyes and staining his cheeks.

Yoongi let out a long groan before sitting up. After an internal debate, Yoongi let out another annoyed groan before following after Taehyung.

"I got it," he huffed before disappearing.

I blinked. "What just happened?"

Jin continued to screech, holding his belly and pointing in the direction Taehyung sprinted. Yoongi slowly shuffled in the same direction.

"He, he. He—Taehyung—heheheheheHAHAHAHA!"

Knowing I wouldn't get a coherent response out of Jin, I turned back to Jimin, who stared straight ahead like his soul left his body.

"What are you thinking about, Jimin?" I asked, snapping my fingers to regain his attention.

He blinked several times before looking around like he didn't know where or who he was. His gaze lingered on Kitty, who was curled into a ball with both Hoseok and Namjoon cushioned against her as she slept. The dolls softly snored, remaining unbothered by any commotion or screeching hyenas like Jin.

Why are they all so sleepy today? Are they really that bored here?

"Since you've been keeping us locked up in your apartment like prisoners, we've been wanting to at least try something new while we're here." Jimin brought up in answer to my question, interrupting my train of thought.

"What did you have in mind, exactly?"

"Remember the instruments we came with?"

I nodded. "Yeah, they're still in the dollhouse."

"Well, we want to learn how to use them."

I tilted my head in consideration with my lips puckered. "I don't know if they'll work the way you hope, but okay. Why not?"

Jimin clapped in victory, jumping to his feet and doing some weird wiggle dance.

"As soon as Jungkook's done braiding my hair," I confirmed, pointing to the doll still sitting on my shoulder with his small hands tangled in my hair.

"Braiding? With Jungkook's slender skeleton fingers it's more like he's crocheting your hair into a scarf," Jin said after finally catching his breath, before bursting into laughter at his own comment all over again.

"I wish I was that talented," Jungkook murmured, smoothing out a knot in your hair with the gentle stroke of his fingertips.

"Y/N," Jimin whined. "Please?"

I sighed in defeat, setting my mug down and readjusting myself so that I could stand up without knocking Jungkook off of me.

"Are you fucking kidding me!? Y/N!" Yoongi's voice boomed from across the apartment, interrupting my mission to gather the dolls' instruments.

The sound was so shocking and powerful that Kitty jumped about ten feet into the air with Namjoon and Hoseok tightly clinging to her fur.

"What is it now, Yoongi?" I sighed, arms crossed.

"Get. In. Here. Now," he demanded. His voice was so dark, threatening, and angry that I sent out a quick prayer in case I never lived to see another day.

Jin was no longer laughing.

Namjoon and Hoseok fled on Kitty's back.

Jimin was nowhere to be found.

And Jungkook wrapped my hair around himself in a helpless attempt to hide his body from sight.

"Alright, I'm ready. Let's go," Jungkook whispered from inside his disguise. If I wasn't so frightened, I would've laughed.

I braced myself as I entered the lion's den.

"What's wrong this time, Yoongi?" I whispered, scared that if I spoke too loud he'd turn into a possessed doll and murder me. My steps inside the bathroom were gentle because I couldn't see him anywhere and didn't want to accidentally step on him.

"Did you seriously let Taehyung have Taco Bell?"

I flipped the bathroom light switch as soon as the smell hit me. My gaze navigated the floor as my eyes adjusted to the sudden light filling the small room.

Taehyung held his knees to his chest in the furthest corner of the room. Yoongi stood with his hands on his hips. Jungkook peeked out from my hair.

And then I saw the smear of a brown and yellow puddle of please-forgive-me-for-my-language-but-holy-shit-what-the-fuck-is-that?

"Are those beef chunks?" Jungkook wondered.

"I really don't want to know!" Yoongi snapped, then glared up at me. "I'm not cleaning this up. So, chop-chop, woman."

"I have some bad news for you," I calmly said, still in denial. I reached to pinch my nose shut.

"And what would it be?"

"Since you're giving me attitude, I'm going to use your mop-looking haircut as a mop to clean it up."

In one second, Yoongi was standing in front of me with the ugliest glare. In the next, he was practically erased from existence by how fast he sped out of the bathroom.

After cleaning Taehyung's mess and crying in the process, that night became the day I started putting diapers on Taehyung until I could convince Namjoon to potty-train him all over again.

Unfortunately, it turned out that Jin was right about Taehyung being a baby.


Extremely unedited so please excuse the mistakes. Also, this chapter wasn't planned lmao. Because of it, dollhouse is now going to be 33 chapters long instead of 32.

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