reflection & thank you

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wow. it's really over. I really cannot believe that I made it. that we made it.

if you know me, you know that i'm someone that doesn't usually finish stories because I get frustrated with "how good" my writing is or I lose interest along the way.

and I want to share with you guys something that I did differently. something that helped me through this entire process for all the amateur writers like myself.

if you remember in the very beginning of the story, I warned all of you that dollhouse was going to be like a rough draft. that my writing wasn't going to be it's very best. and that's because I focused on getting the story written, and not so much on whether or not my writing was "good enough."

and oh boy, did it help.

if you've been following my account, then you probably remember my other story, "between shades." as everyone has noticed, I gave up on that story over and over again because I strived for it to reach perfection because I had this vision for it that was so hard for me to achieve.

and that's the difference between "dollhouse" and "between shades." here, I accepted that my writing wasn't going to be perfect. I was only here to tell the story the best I could, regardless of how well I could write it.

and yes, dollhouse is far from its best. I believe that it has a lot of potential to be something greater if I choose to rewrite it.

but that day is far from today, because I absolutely refuse to give up on "between shades."

dollhouse helped me to improve as a writer a LOT, regardless of how good my writing was (as I keep saying over and over again.)

the good news is that I am putting "between shades" under some massive revisions to structure the plot the way I intended it to be. to simplify it without erasing the heart of the story. to make it better. to show you a beautiful and unique story that I never imagined could be possible with my "abilities."

that's why I changed it from second person to first person. why I gave the character a name.

and while I'm working hard on something that's so special to me, I also decided to start working on one of my newer stories, "breakfast at your ex's"

i'm very excited for this one because the main character is a YouTuber and I thought it'd make the plot much more interesting and fun to write.

my main character is also going to have a very different personality than I'm used to writing. and though many of us probably won't like her at times, hey! it'll give her room to grow and mature and I really look forward to seeing how she'll turn out.

and though I don't plan to revise dollhouse for awhile if I ever do, there IS a potential prequel that I'll consider working on only if any of you are interested in it.

all right, enough of my ramble. I do have some questions for my readers so that I have room to grow!

what do you think was done well in dollhouse?

were you able to connect with the characters?

who was your favorite character and why? did you unexpectedly grow attached to any of them?

how did you like the writing style?

what were some points where you felt disconnected from the story, whether it was because of the dialogue/plot holes/writing/etc?

what do you think could have been done better? (scenes/a specific chapter/plot progression/etc)

were you satisfied with the ending?

what were you expecting going into this story? how different were your expectations from the way it actually turned out?

what do you personally think I need to work on?

anything else?

if you decide to leave me some feedback, thank you so much! it means a lot to me <3

thank you all for your endless support and to everyone who has stuck by me through this journey! I wouldn't have made it through this process without you. so thank you again!

now, since I've asked you guys questions, I think it's only fair that you can do the same.

so, if you have any lingering questions for me (about me or about the story) feel free to leave them


and I'll answer them in the comments!

I love you all. Hopefully, I'll see you again in my future work.

- molls xx

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