28. On Their Feet: Part One

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Yoongi sat across from me with an obnoxious, mocking grin plastered across his face.

I, on the other end of the table, sat with a horrified expression slowly overturning my entire face, struggling to believe what Yoongi had done to me.

"Did you just? Yoongi... the remains of your tacos are stuck in my bra."

"That was the idea when I launched them at you," he laughed.

My hurt expression did not falter. "Why do you always insist on throwing food at me? What have I ever done to you?"

"How about all the times you've woken me up?" He suggested while leaning back in his chair, the challenge pooling in his brown eyes.


"—Or," his tone was sharp as he cut me off, leaning forward as if a malicious idea sparked in his mind. "What about the time you literally kicked me? Me, an innocent bystander?"

"You weren't an innocent bystander at all. You attacked me first!"

"Because you picked me up!"

"You were going to attack the others!"

"Because you woke me up!"

"Gah!" I slammed my hands down on the table, knowing very well that he had won the argument that I no longer wanted anything to do with.

"My point is," he said slowly, eyeing the white around my knuckles as I clenched my fists. "Is that there are far worse things I could do than throw food at you."

His gaze turned so dark as he looked at me that I had the sudden urge to wrap my arms around my chest and shrink into nothing.

"Jimin? Is that you, coming at me with those jokes?" I remarked with an eye roll.

"Hey, I didn't mean that in a dirty way—well. Kind of. But that's beside the point."

"I think the point is that we're done here," I huffed, standing up from my seat after tossing some cash and a tip onto the table. "I have to wake up early for Jungkook's date tomorrow."

He also rose to his feet, slowly stalking toward me. "My turn isn't over just yet, listen."

As soon as he was in front of me, he took my hands in his and stared into my eyes as he parted his lips to speak.

"I want a kiss."

I choked, coughing in his face. He stood there, eyelids closed to protect himself from the force of my regurgitated air, while I tried to convince myself that he was joking.

He peeled an eyelid open, testing the safety of the scene. "Well?"

"Yoongi—We don't even get along."

"Of course we don't, Y/N. We're like Noah and Allie."

My face scrunched in disapproval. "When the hell did you watch The Notebook?"

He rolled his eyes and sniffled. "We had a lot of free time as dolls because you were almost never home. Jungkook and Taehyung begged us. But that's not important."

"Speaking of which," I smiled. "How are you adjusting to the life of a human?"

"It would be complete if you stop trying to change the subject and let me kiss you already."

"I don't really—"

"Think of yourself as The Bachelorette. You're dating all of us at once so it technically wouldn't be cheating or messed up in any way. Plus, you've already kissed Jungkook. So, it's my turn."

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