18. Grocery Shopping

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"The wheels on the bus go round and round! Round and round!"

The muffled nursery rhyme had me rubbing my temples again.

I slowly walked, letting out an annoyed groan while I pushed the shopping cart forward with my stomach.

"Really, Taehyung? We. Get. It," Yoongi huffed as he reached to pinch the bridge of his nose.

My bag sat half-opened in front of me, allowing the dolls room to see and breathe. They sat in a line, side by side, with the majority of their little bodies covered so that bypassers wouldn't grow suspicious

I even went to the extra length of getting an earpiece phone so that I wouldn't look crazy for talking to myself.

"The wheels on the—"

"Say it one more time. I dare you," Yoongi snapped, eyes narrowing into thin slits as he stared at Taehyung from the opposite end of my bag.

Taehyung paused, blinking in confusion at Yoongi.

And then it was like a lightbulb went off above his head.

"—Cart go round and round!" Taehyung belted.

"Shhhhh!" All of us said in sync as someone passed me. I adjusted my earpiece to draw attention to it when the person stopped to stare at me.

"I can't believe you guys let him listen to nursery rhymes while I was at work," I sighed, the puff of air nearly turning into frustrated fumes. I kept my gaze on the aisles of food while I spoke.

"It was his own idea," Jin informed me, pointing at Yoongi.

Yoongi scowled in return. "He kept waking me up because he wanted to play hide and seek. I had to keep him entertained somehow."

"And now, if someone checks my search history they're going to think I have a child." My tone was annoyed.

Yoongi smirked. "Why are you concerned? It's not like you have friends that'll check it,"

"Hey!" Namjoon intervened, swatting at Yoongi. "Be nice."

I was about to bicker back with Yoongi when I was interrupted.

"The wheels on the bus—"

"Alright! You. Are. Dead," Yoongi announced. He jumped to his feet, his hair bouncing in the process as he lunged for a surprised Taehyung.

Jungkook, Hoseok, and Namjoon tried to hold Yoongi back while Jin and Jimin watched on the verge of laughter.

Yoongi managed to kick Namjoon in the face with his right foot while elbowing Hoseok in the stomach at the same time. Yoongi tried to break Jungkook's hold on him by biting at his fingers, an attempt that Jungkook barely managed to dodge.

Taehyung burst into tears as he scooted away from the rest of the dolls, slowing raising his arms to reach for me like a little baby.

I picked him up, held him against my chest until he had a firm grip on me, and then zipped up my jacket to hide him away.

Yoongi continued to be relentless in trying to get to Taehyung. He jumped toward me, but Jungkook caught his legs and reeled him back in like a fish caught on a fishing hook.

"Will Yoongi strangle Taehyung to death? Find out on the next episode of Keeping up with the Dolls," Jin narrated, his squeaking laugh quickly taking over the end of his sentence.

My ears perked at that. "Please tell me you haven't been watching Keeping up with the Kardashians."

Jin grinned. "I haven't. But Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin have."

"Wow, you snitch." Jimin narrowed his eyes and then shrugged. "It's a good show."

I turned into the frozen section of the grocery store as I scolded them.

"Ooooh! Can we get Eggos?" Hoseok squealed in excitement.

"No," I answered monotonously.

"Why not?" Jungkook tilted his head like an eager puppy.

"Because," I started while turning to take out a package of pizza bagels. "They're bad for you,"

"And those aren't?" Jimin challenged, pointing at one of my favorite foods.

I held them protectively against my chest, forgetting that Taehyung was under my jacket and accidentally bumping him. I muttered a quick apology and then turned back to Jimin.

"Don't come for me, I love pizza bagels."

"Well, what if we love Eggos?"

"I will not have Eggo waffles in my household."

"Do you know what I love?" A soft whisper came from beside my chest.

"Taehyung, not now—"

"The wheels on the bus that go round and round!" He exclaimed and then giggled.

I closed my eyes in defeat. "Fine. We can get your stupid waffles,"

"Yes!" Hoseok exclaimed in victory, clapping his hands in victory. I set a single box of them down in the cart next to my pizza bagels.

"Alright, anything else you guys want for tomorrow?" I asked.

"Fruit, vegetables, and stuff to dip them in," Namjoon sweetly requested, dimples appearing on his face.

"Wait, what's tomorrow?" Taehyung asked.

"Y/N is taking us out on a picnic," Jungkook excitedly answered.

There was a pause of silence between all of us while I continued pushing the cart, scanning the rest of the aisles for anything else we needed.

"Will we take a bus with wheels that go round and round to get there?" Taehyung finally asked.

I unzipped my jacket and willingly passed him over to Yoongi, who had an evil and excited glint in his eyes.

That time, no one bothered to help out the frightened doll who sealed his own fate.

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