35. The Truth

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"Where do you want this box?" Jin called from the other side of the garage.

I looked up for a split second before returning my attention to the box I was digging through. "That one goes in the kitchen."

"How about this one?" Hoseok asked from beside Jin, holding a smaller one against his chest.

"That one goes in either one of your rooms. It has your old stuff," I replied.

As soon as they headed back inside the house, I called after them, "Thank you!"

"Yep!" Namjoon yelled back.

I looked up again when Yoongi emerged from inside to stand next to me.

"Was this your plan all along? Wait for us to come home and then unpack the bulk of your shit from your apartment?" Yoongi huffed, hands on his knees as he breathed hard. I could see the moisture dripping down the side of his forehead from where I sat on the garage floor.

"No," I answered absentmindedly. "I just never got around to it. And you guys did ask if there was anything you could do for me while you're staying here."

"Whatever," he heavily breathed. "Where do you want the treadmill I'm assuming you impulsively bought after all those McDonalds runs you used to do?"

I glared at him. "In the workout room."

"You have a workout room?"

"Yes, Yoongi, I have a workout room. If you weren't too busy falling asleep while I was giving the tour then maybe you would remember that."

"Bold of you to assume I would remember the things that would come out of your mouth, anyway."

My glare splattered into a wave of happiness that had to have been evident on my face. "I've missed you."

He kept his head down, but I could see him smiling, too.

"Taehyung!" Yoongi shouted into the house. "Help me lift this thing."

"Sure!" He chirped. I could hear his footsteps quickly closing in until his head popped out from inside the house. "Do you need any help, Y/N?"

"No." I shook my head. "Go ahead, help him."

"M'kay," he relented, squatting to help Yoongi lift the heavy machine.

They loudly groaned until they managed to lift it in the air, but the real struggle for them was getting it through the door.

"Jimin!" I yelled. "Will you come help them?"

"Yeah!" He shouted from somewhere inside. "After I'm done hanging up my banana canvas!"

"I got it!" Jungkook ran out to immediately help maneuver the large item. "Okay guys, tilt it this way and then walk toward me... yep! Just like that! Here, let me—"

I tuned the rest of that out, still searching the smaller boxes.

While I opened said boxes and sorted through my stuff, the rest of the boys ended up joining the team trying to deliver the treadmill to the workout room.

And after that, they stopped bothering to ask where each box went and resorted to opening them and figuring it out on their own.

"What exactly are you looking for, Y/N?"

"Huh?" I lifted my head to meet Jungkook's questioning gaze. "Oh, well, remember the dust stuff that I used to bring you back to life? There was some left over and I can't seem to find it... and oh! I also have the dollhouse remains in a bag somewhere in here..."

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