32. Until Next Time

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The wind was gentle the next morning.

It rustled in the trees, it brushed through my hair, and it dried my tears with kind and comforting strokes.

Its whistle was a lullaby, a pretty white noise in the background of my sorrowful thoughts.

I was someone that never liked wind before. I was someone that didn't like people much, either.

But after all the changes that had been happening in my life, I found myself learning how to appreciate little things with a heart that had grown soft to change. With a curiosity to explore everything I'd limited myself from.

I breathed in, the crisp air cold on my tongue. It dried my throat and suddenly I was reminded of why I never liked wind.

I smiled at the thought, a small laugh forming in my throat.

What a silly reason to dislike wind.

I allowed the grass below me to run between my fingers as I expanded my hands over its surface, promising myself that I'd start getting out of my home more. Maybe bring my laptop out and get some writing done, using everything around me for inspiration.


My head sharply snapped to face my left, surprised by the sound of a voice coming anywhere me.

I squinted at the four boys standing in a line with plastic bags dangling from their arms and hands filled with miscellaneous items.

"Taehyung? Jimin? Hoseok? Jin? What are you guys doing here?"

Hoseok smiled brightly. "Namjoon told us that you left work early. He figured that you came here. He would've come, too. But I think he said that he's not off for another hour or so."

"Oh." I frowned.

"What? Are you unhappy to see your best friends?" Jimin tilted his head, a teasing smile playing on the corner of his lips and eyes.

"No," I chuckled, shaking my head. "I just didn't expect anyone to find me here."

"It's like you forget how well we know you sometimes," Jin pointed out, moving to position himself on the grass next to me, the others following suit until we formed a small circle.

Once I spotted what Taehyung was holding after folding his legs into a crisscross, I gasped in excitement.

"Is that for me?" I pumped.

Taehyung looked at me with a challenge in his eyes. "Oh, this? An iced coffee with lots of cream and sugar, just how a certain someone we know likes it? Nah, this is for me."

Taehyung flashed his signature boxy smile before surrendering it to me. "Yes, this is for you."

I gratefully took it, stirring around the contents inside before taking a big gulp.

"Oh," I inputted, pausing for a moment after taking another sip. "This reminds me, where is Jungkook?"

The boys froze, stopping from unloading their plastic bags as they exchanged glances.

"He hasn't been feeling well, but don't worry. We made him soup before leaving him at our place. He wasn't up to coming out today," Jin finally answered.

"Yeah," Hoseok agreed. "And uh, where is Yoongi for that matter?"

I thought for a moment before answering, trying to recall.

"Last I saw him, he was on the couch listening to music. Kitty was asleep next to him. I'm beginning to think she likes him more than me," I replied.

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