Gamera: Return of the Last Hope

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'The Last Hope, Gamera. We bestow him to the cradle of time. May he awaken with Gyaos the Shadow of Evil.' -Prayer of the Guardian

The city of Tokyo was under attack. Smoke rose into the sky from the thousands of burning buildings and streets scattered from Minato ward to Kyoto; blocking out the sun creating a hellish amber sky. It was unknown who could see the smoke, perhaps it could be seen from the peaks of Mount Fuji or fair beyond the Pacific Ocean where help would have come from. But none did. Millions of civilians fled for their lives not daring to look up. This attack was not from any foreign power, no collective force to punish the Japanese for their crimes from a forgotten war. it wasn't even a human force. No one could combat the ever-present leathery bat-like wings that carried the monsters who made shrill shrieks as they dive-bombed the hapless populous with flat, triangular arrow-shaped heads. The people all screamed as they ducked, but many unfortunately were taken in the jaws of these creatures. Ripped apart with serrated teeth as they were eaten alive by these terrors from the sky, who cried out their name to the burning city and the survivors who dwelled in its ruins: Gyaos.

 Ripped apart with serrated teeth as they were eaten alive by these terrors from the sky, who cried out their name to the burning city and the survivors who dwelled in its ruins: Gyaos

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Yuuto, a bright eight-year-old, didn't dare to look at anyone other than what was in front of him. He could still hear the screams of people as they were taken by the Swarms of Gyaos; he just ran as fast as he could all while looking behind his shoulder of his green hoodie. His father was not a thin man who was used to running for his life; in fact, his round belly which was jiggling with each step he took was clear indication but this was certainly an exception. Wearing a fine dress shirt that was completely filthy with blood and powdered concrete, he was an accountant by trade and thus would dress very appropriately for his place of work. Even his messed up hair would have been combed as best as he could. But now it meant nothing to him or his son. Their lives were to be changed forever, even now as they kept running away from the swarms of Gyaos as people were being picked off. No man, woman or child was safe from the dark red colored Kaiju, not even staying indoors would protect them for long. Yuuto's own apartment complex was demolished in ten minutes or less; the Gyaos ripping through the roofs and feasting on the inhabitants. It was how his mother and baby brother were taken from him in one swift motion.

 It was how his mother and baby brother were taken from him in one swift motion

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Yuuto turned, making sure his father was right behind him. He was along with the Gyaos.

"Keep running, Yuuto," his father told him through huffs and puffs while giving him a smile. "Don't let the monsters catch you, ok? If you run as fast as you could I'll take you out for some ramen at your favorite place. Dango dumplings, too. Plus unlimited game and computer time! But, you can't have any of that if the monsters get you."

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