Gridknight Pilot

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Hey, what up? what's good in the hood? So I've technically already posted this pilot on my Gridknight story, thus having no need to repost it anywhere else. yes I totally agree but if I'm being honest I don't think I'll be doing much in regards to that story, asides from a plan I'm developing but I'll get to that in a minute. Much like the Darth Vader story, I need to start focusing on my book and so I can't be focusing too much on my fanfiction anymore.  but that doesn't mean I'll be completely abandoning the concept. For a future book, one of my stories I was wanting to do something with a character like Anti. I love Anti, he was the best thing of both Gridman and Dynazenon and remains to have one of my favorite character arcs in anime. I'll do some experimenting with the character and concept, like he transformers into a giant robot kaiju or he splits himself into Megazord-like components, we'll just have to see. For now let's repost a more streamlined story. thank you for all the likes and comments!! Enjoy!  

Anti was falling. He fell and fell off the side of the Kaiju his creator had become, and yet he tried to save her. Akane Shinjo, the God of the city of Tsutsujidai, the very same that had been destroyed countless times and rebuilt in less than a day, had been turned into a ravenous monster that destroyed everything in her wake. This Kaiju, Zegga, stormed through the city before opening her plates jaws and giving a howling scream that sent waves of energy through the decimated streets; cars and debris flew in every direction as buildings and neighborhoods were uplifted and crumbled apart. Some even exploded from the inside before the waves were sent skyward. The city above the clouds was burning as Zegga marched her way through the burning landscape and as it rained burning death upon anyone who was left underneath. A God who turned into the very thing she had created: A Kaiju. But she wasn't a Kaiju. Anti knew of this for certain, knowing that this was his last battle to repay all his debts to those he had wronged. Now it was time to pay the greatest debt to his creator, someone who needed him more than ever now.

 Now it was time to pay the greatest debt to his creator, someone who needed him more than ever now

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"You're not a Kaiju," he said as his one good eye blazed bright red. "You're Akane Shinjo!"

In a blast of white red light and rising to the size bigger than a 30-story building, the new form known as Gridknight rose into the air and crashed atop Zegga with the force of a skyscraper coming down. His orange and navy-colored armor was illuminated by the nearby fires as his cybernetic fists punched the thick body plating of his opponent, sending blow after blow that did nothing but make the Kaiju roar even louder which made him cover his helmet like he was covering his ears. It distracted him long enough for one of the large tentacles to strike him hard enough to send him flying into the nearest building, toppling it with him underneath. Rising from the debris, the cybernetic body of Gridknight stood before Zegga who bellowed another roar at him. He dodged quickly evading the attack for as long as he could before he leaped into the air, performing a spinning kick landing on top of the monster's round body. He tried to grab hold of the small head deep in the folds of the plating. If Akane Shinjo wasn't going to come out of this Kaiju, then he'd gladly tear her out. However, the plates extended from Zegga's body and took jabs at Gridknight, one of which he caught his hands holding it against his body. He may have had the first plate blade securely in his grasp, but he didn't take into consideration the second one, particularly how it slammed against his head with many sparks and blasts erupting from his head as his grip loosened, giving Zegga the perfect opportunity to send him flying into a row of nearby buildings with one slap across his body. The blow was so strong the buildings all toppled like giant dominoes, dust and debris rose into the dark sky as Gridknight slowly stood up again, but this time he had a plan as he charged forward at Zegga. The Kaiju launched its tendrils at him again only this time Gridknight jumped into the air dodging them. Even if they crashed into the ground, they continued to follow him, causing him to dodge every one of them the best he could. But as one tendril tried to capture him, another served as his launching pad for Gridknight as he flew across the air and landed dead center on top of Zegga.

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