The Wall of Paper Cranes

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It was on a rainy summer's day that Hansol found the paper crane wall. It was a simple plain white wall, three metres tall and seemed to stretch on towards the horizon endlessly, towards a bright forest of life and mystery. But what was so special were the strings and strings of paper cranes, sheltered by a little tiled roof. Delicate paper cranes, folded with the most vibrant coloured paper. The wall looked so old, but the paper cranes remained as beautiful and as vivid as ever, none of them torn or faded at all. And when the wind blew, they rustled gently, like the leaves of a tree, but the strings never got tangled. Hansol loved the wall dearly, he even nicknamed the wall his happy place, but he was too embarrassed to show this wonder to anyone, with the fear of being mocked.
But then he met Seungkwan, and Seungkwan was the nicest, funnist, kindest person he ever met, and Hansol made a promise to show Seungkwan his happy place.
And he did. Hansol brought Seungkwan to the wall one day, just the two of them, young, free teenagers. Seungkwan was delighted to see the wall, it was so pretty. It was then that Hansol discovered the writing on the cranes.
"Look, Sollie! There's words here. It says 'hope'. Isn't that lovely? Maybe this is the wall of hope."
"Hey, this other crane has words too! This is so cool!"
As they go through the strings of cranes, they are drawn further and further into the forest, further away from the first crane, further away from the exit. The cranes rustled cheerfully, like a song, luring them deeper, and deeper in.

Did they ever leave? I have no idea. Did they find the end of the wall? I also have no idea. What is in that forest? We would never know. Oh, look...

It was a rainy summer's day again. And another two boys have found Hansol's happy place.
"Look! This crane says 'hope'!"
"Woah, that's so cool! I wonder what the other cranes say?"

AN: Sorry for the shitty and short chapter, I'll try to update better and sooner next time, thanks for reading!

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