Everything's So Difficult

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Thank you so much, @Silverautumn for the OC! And to those who also commented, please be reminded, I make up the role. Their personalities would be steadily balanced.


He looks down on his hands- both shivering from the cold wind and rain pouring on him, " ...Will she stay with me, if I want to stay bad?"


"Oh Commander Red~" a highly pitched voice squeals through the metallic walls of TR's headquarters. A frustrated sigh escaped the boys lips as he continued walking before a girl latched her hands around his left arm. "Oh Commander Red~ Would you like to go to my dorm?~" She giggles innocently, but it was quite obvious what her true intentions were.

Red scowls at her in disgust, he shoves her off impatiently, "Commander Sienna, aren't you supposed to be discussing the new strategies with your assigned team? I'm busy." He states, trying to get the brunette away by walking faster.

"But Commander Red~" she coos, "Don't you want to play with me?~" she catches up to him and latches herself to his arm again.

"No. Why the h3ll would I?" Red hisses before pushing her off roughly. "And like I said, not now Sienna, I'm busy." He ended. Sienna pouts unruly, her brown eyes glaring daggers at her unobtainable desire.

"Oh, so now we're on first name basis? Yay~ Red! I knew you always wanted me!" She squeals, about to tackle the boy until he dodges her with another scowl.

"I told you. LEAVE." He orders, "I don't want you, not now, not ever." He ends. The flirty commanders eyes narrowed at the raven haired boy. And as if she was an Arbok itself, her voice laced with venom.

"It's that blonde commander, isn't it." She ask more of a statement than a question, "It's all because of her."

"At least she's a much more decent person than you'll ever be." Red points out before walking away. Then an idea came to Sienna's mind, she smirks slyly at his retrieving figure before walking out the other way.

"I'll just have to take advantage of the situation then."


"Hey Marble, if your Yellow's cousin, then on which side are you?" Green ask the false girl. The Kanto group and Sinnoh trio had decided to go out for the day, maybe find something interesting to do seeing that they would stay at this Region for a few weeks or so until they figure out the problem. The Johto trio and Hoenn group had already made themselves at home at Green's laboratory home in Pallet Town much to his annoyance.

"Oh, erm, I'm at her Mother's side. My Dad is her Mom's sister." She replies casually, over the day she spent, she found it more and more easier to lie to the clueless bunch which made her relax, but the burden it gave her caused her insecurities.

"What's your relationship with Yellow? What do you guys do? Does she have any secrets?" Blue chirps in, her blue eyes sparkling as if screaming 'Black-mail Material!' on her. Of course, despite the tragic events that happened this week she still manages to be herself.

"Ah, well, we would always go fishing. Erm, when we have time, she would bake me brownies while I train my Pokémon." Marble mutters, "And no, she doesn't seem.. To.. Er, keep secrets."

Big lie at that. She thought. Just being with TR is a big enough secret to hide.

"Ah, oh..." Blue sighs disappointedly, "Well, I wasn't expecting kind, good ol' Yellow to keep anything anyways." She brightens before skidding away leaving her with the Elite member. Marble felt a pang of guilt building in her.

They walked, chattering and pointing out places that were both familiar yet new to the girl in hiding. Marble wasn't sure what she really wanted that time, whether it was to go with the plan, or act like a normal person for once.

Just this once.

The whole month had been frantic for her, including her confusion of her rue identity, and all it did was add to her stress. So for once, she wanted to pretend she actually was Marble De Verde.

A cousin of Yellow De Verde who came to the polite town of Viridian City to help her find her cousin who mysteriously disappeared, at the same time meet new friends. Not use them. She thought. Marble didn't even realise they were at the park, with Blue already splashing her Blastoise in the mini lake of Magikarps. And the Sinnoh trio placing out the picnic mat- well, Diamond was already eating, Platina on the other hand sat and watched, it was mostly Pearl who did the work much to his annoyance.

It was only Marble and Green who spread themselves out of the green grass, meters away from the Sinnoh trio. There wasn't anything to talk about, so It was a silence Marble didn't mind. It felt good not to lie. But to her unfortunate luck, Green broke the tension eagerly.

"Marble, you don't really mean anything you've said today, right?" Green questioned. Marble was confused as she tilts her head. But in her pit, she has been feeling a nervous feeling around the elite male ever since he's opened the door for her when she introduced herself as Marble, a male.

"You don't really mean anything at all today, tell me I'm wrong. Go ahead," Pause. "Yellow."

She was shocked, her lips were open but she couldn't find the words to say, before she could even do anything, Green was already pinning her down. His emerald eyes gazing harshly at her hazel ones. For a second, she was half expecting him to choke her, instead, he whispers.



"C-Commander Re-? Arceus! Ah- er, um.." A official yelped. Red pushed aside his bangs and turned away from the wall mirror. "Yo-You have a m-mission." The ex-Champion didn't even replied, he looked away from the door and back to the mirror. "T-that's all, g-good bye."

The electronic metal door slushed close with a whoosh, and Red was once again left staring at himself on the broken mirror. Thick red warm liquid dropped steadily onto the concrete floor. Shards of the mirror stuck to his fist, and blood splashed his arm and prickled his face. His Pikachu was growling madly in his ball, trying to break free with thunder. But Red -despite knowing his partners hate for being inside those contraptions- stared. He stared. He glared. At the reflection opposing him.

Because all he saw was a boy looking just like him.

The reflection was smiling, running around, you could feel the vibrant glow around him. A obvious invisible label saying "HERO" everywhere. The reflection was good.

While he was bad.


I'm sorry for the filler-like chapter. And for the late update. I'll update sooner! I will! Faster than now, since I am SUPER busy. I promise I have never been as busy as I was now. This draft has been here for a month and little by little I've been trying to fill it.

Feedback, please?

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Thanks~ you're an amazing reader!

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