It's Love In The DarkSide

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"I am no itty Dex-holder, I am a commander of Team Rocket."

~Yellow's POV~

The crowd slowly shrunk away, murmuring soft rumors that I knew was bad for the mission if it spreads like wild fire. But right now I don't care, how could they possibly think, I, Yellow De Verde, is a goodie-two-shoe Dex-Holder of such?

That's preposterous!

But as of right now, I tried to relax and inhale some of the fresh air I never seem to get in the Head Quarters. "Now... Time to search for a nice different outfit..." It took awhile, but I finally was able to take some clothes that fits my taste.

Brown leather boots, a blue fishers outfit, black leggings and a leather brown belt. Don't forget my pony-tail in my hat. I attached my two Pokéballs to the belt, a By a window of a local shop, I glance at my reflection. My head started spinning again and I felt myself space out.

"Hey! Are you a boy?"
"Wh- what? Uh n-no.. I'm not, w-why would you ask t-that?"

"Oh, sorry, it's just that you look like one. With your ponytail hidden and all."
"Eheh it's okay, a lot have said that too.." I put down my ponytail to onesie, suddenly turning nervous and shy.
"You know, you could always disguise yourself as a boy if you wanna go to arcades and such! It's useful. Since your flat and all t-"

"You perverted idiot, Gold! Get away from Senior!" Then the boy ran off, a girl replaced him. "Are you okay, Senior Yellow?"
"Yeah, I'm okay-"

"Sir? Sir? Hello, sir? Can you please get out of the sidewalk?" A man frustratedly ask, I snapped from my daze and tore my gaze from my reflection.

"O-oh, sorry.." Wait, did I just apologize? "I- get out of here, I can do what I want!" I snapped then walked away. After replaying the recent memory in my head, I realized he called me Sir, do I really look like a boy? Maybe.. Maybe I can disguise myself as a boy for the Dex-Holders! Nice plan, Sherlock. I thought to myself as I skidded down the dirt road.


"This is most probably where they are." I say, stopping in front of the house of Professor Oak. I heard from the rumors that the Dex-Holders are having a sleep over in his house. Hopefully, I can let my plan slide in without holes, then I'll get the Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos then get out of here!

Knock Knock Knock

The door rapped. There was shuffling inside and as I waited, I felt a burden come up to me. This was getting more and more stressful and I haven't even started yet! My nerves came up and down my spinal cord like a roller coaster and my stomach was doing summersaults- wait, what the heck?

"Coming!" A voice finally replies, I fidget with my fingers and tried my best to keep a straight face. Acting nervous would be suspicious- wait, why am I acting nervous again? Great, I'm talking to myself, and I actually expect an answer..


I look up swiftly, tearing my gaze from the floor that I suddenly found so interesting. A forest hued boy looked at me in confusion, surprise, shock, anger? It was heard to read- he seems to emotionless and cold.

After the awkward silence, his eyes narrowed and looked around. He spied my whole self up and down, looking left and right, but his gaze never left mine for more than a few seconds.

"Why are you here?" He ask, I almost stumbled on my own words.
"I-I'm, uh-"

"Who are you?" He again asks, "You aren't Yellow." My tongue finally was able to gain control and I found my voice; I spared my Pokéballs a quick glance- thinking weather to panic, battle him, and steal the Legendary Pokémons or stay strong.

"You're right, I'm not Yellow. I'm," I paused for a fraction of a second, thinking what to say. "I'm Marble. Marble De Verde, Yellows identical male cousin."

Well?!?! Are you happy I continued this book! ^_^ I am! I didn't realize how it was kind of interesting when I re-read some chapters.

Before I delete books, I usually read it one more time. And this brought back so many memories. To the time I first thought of this, those times I slam my head against the wall because of writers block, till the time I posted my 'delete chapter' and the times I said sorry.

I'm not sure if I'll use all your OC's to those who saw. But anyways! Please enjoy this book once more because it'll last a bit longer, hopefully I can get more rads since it's a thick situation right now (_ _")

~Nightels Scarlett

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