08 | so no goodbye?

Start from the beginning

Shaking off my hand, he stuffed his face into the pillow. "What?" He asked, clearly having no intention of getting up.

"Reece, can you leave?" That sounded rude as fuck. Can I not speak one sentence without sounding like a prick?


"-I mean, I have to leave too and I thought it would just be weird to leave you here alone I'm not trying to be a bitch," I explained, trying to make up for the fact that I was a bitch every time before this.

Reece sat up, avoiding eye contact and pulled off the covers.

Heading towards the kitchen, I closed the door so it was less uncomfortable. At this rate, I'd have to meet Rachel and Savien in about 2 hours. So I didn't really have to rush, I just wanted to get Reece out of the way.

Sitting on the kitchen counter, I started picking at my nails. Not specifically peeling the paint off, just fumbling around with my fingers as a way to pass time. The door to my bedroom pressed open around 10 minutes later.

And there he was. Looking decent as hell. My heart was like...throbbing. Like beating so uncontrollably fast that it almost hurt to think about him leaving. I should tell him. I should be honest. The hell would he do? Try to talk me out of it at worst. But I can't involve him. That would be such a shitty thing to do. But then again, since when did I care.

Reece and I made eye contact for half a second before he looked away. Hurrying over to the front door, we didn't say anything more. 

"So no goodbye?" I said, more to myself than anything.

Reece looked at my one very last time, shook his head, and left.

"Bye to you too," I murmured. 

I kind of wish he didn't leave.

Savien and Rachel showed up at about the same time. I texted them to find me in the food court, and they did it pretty quickly. When we all ordered an unhealthy McDonalds' meal and sat down eating it, I finally began.

"What happened when you went over to their house?" I asked, immediately. 

Savien ate a fry, wiping her hands on her sweatshirt before answering. "They want to leak your nudes."

Laughing, I shook my head. "Let them. I've worked hard for this body, let the hard work pay off."


"Their plans suck. They leak my nudes which haven't even been taken, what then? I go to the police claiming child pornography and they get sentenced to years in jail."

I mean, not sure how they weren't arrested from what happened last time. Which kind of worried me. Their lawyers must've been good as shit to get them out of last year's mess. And of course the year before that with Rachel's cousin. What did worry me, which I started thinking about more, is how Savien could be playing for both sides right now. It would be so easy for her to run back to Tao and her clique with everything I so stupidly revealed. I needed to get into her phone. Which sounded crazy, even just thinking about it.

But it would tell me everything I needed to know. Whether what I was telling Savien, she was telling Tao. But I didn't say anything.

"Savien, can I see your phone?" I asked, trying to sound unsuspicious. "I wanna see what Tao told you."

Without hesitation, Savien pulled out her phone, unlocked it, and slide it across the table to me. I wonder if I looked as shocked as I felt. Opening text messages, I went through all of it. The last text sent between the two of them was from last night. 

But she could've deleted the texts between the two, that would be a smart move, actually.

Next, I went into snapchat, looking to see if anything was going on there. Savien didn't even have any of the A-listers added. Same thing with Instagram. At this point, I had to trust she wasn't two-timing me or admit to the fact that she was hella good at covering her trace.

Nodded my head, I returned the phone. "Can't believe Tao was so open to you with everything."

"I think she was trying to get me on her side before you got me on yours. I don't think she realizes that we are actually friends. Maybe she thinks your using me too," Savien shrugged. Even she looked unimpressed.

"Tao was never smart. It was always the guys and Zia making the plans but it seems like even they are getting tired of Tao. Last year, they at least looked like friends," Rachel said, taking a chicken nugget.

Savien bit into 5 fries. "So what's the plan? Besides taking them down, obviously."

"It doesn't look like anyone actually respects Tao. It seems like everyone just lets her control the school because that's what she's been doing for years," Sometimes I wonder if Rachel secretly stalks the A-listers. She notices things about them that people on the outside don't really notice.

"I planned on making my owner group of people. I'm already more liked that Tao, obviously, and if I made a clique overall better than Tao's, everyone would just slowly forget about them."

"You want to fight fire with air, basically," Saiven said, raising an eyebrow. "I think I get what you're saying. People already have a reason to hate the A-listers, now they just need a reason to dump them."

I snapped my fingers, smiling for once in a while. "Exactly."

"Well then, trashing Tao should be easy as fuck."

"Except, for one thing," Rachel interrupted, not looking nearly as happy as Savien and I. "If the A-listers are suspicious, and currently hold more power over you, despite how liked they are, if Tao starts using her brain we could run into some real problems."

"Like...?" I asked.

"Sure, all of Tao's plans have gone to shit. But the second she get's any type of leverage, she'll use it all the way. We still need to give a Tao a reason to believe she's still a couple of steps ahead of us before she starts getting more reckless with the way she takes you down."

Although Rachel was somewhat right, my pride and ego decided to ignore her.

Because Tao Kingsbury, you really fucked up this time.

Because Tao Kingsbury, you really fucked up this time

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Song Of The Chapter: Honesty - Pink Sweat$

"But anyway since more people are tuning in to this book Imma try to upload once a week, hopefully, more."

I know I said that in the last chapter, but then my brain shut off once again and dipped out for a while. IDK WHY THE HELL THIS TOOK SO LONG TO WRITE AND IDK WHY THE HELL IM STILL DRAGGING EVERYTHING OUT LIKE I SAID I WOULDN'T BUT I CAN'T HELP IT.

Aha, anyway....

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Hope you enjoyed aha, 
Much love - Kujiis

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