10. Study Date

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As November carries on, so too does the school year. And as the school year carries on, the workload increases. Thanksgiving break is only a week away, my birthday following close behind, yet I'm too swarmed with schoolwork to even be excited for the upcoming celebrations. Even as I switch out my books Friday afternoon, I realize that most of my weekend will be spent doing homework. I have a paper due, a quiz, and the large Calculus test I'll be taking on Monday morning.

As I shut my locker, I jolt, finding a familiar redhead lingering over my locker.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!" Aurora exclaims.

"I thought you'd left already," I admit. Aurora and I have not had much time to study or walk home together this week. While I've had homework, Aurora had studying to do and extracurricular commitments. I assumed that she would be heading off to another extracurricular this afternoon, but once again, she still manages to surprise me by appearing in random places.

"I'm about to leave in a little bit," Aurora states.


"No, club meeting."

My heart sinks slightly at the comment to my surprise. I find that our routine has been devolving a bit lately in the stress of the end of the semester, but perhaps it will pick up again once the spring semester starts.

"I wanted to ask though if you'd like to study for the Calc test this weekend," Aurora says.

I find myself nodding without thinking. As I zip up my backpack, I pause.

"Wait, where would we study? The school library obviously isn't open on the weekends," I explain. It would feel strange not studying at our familiar table by the window, I think, but I suppose the community library would be open. Still, it's fifteen minutes away by car, and I'm not as familiar with the set-up of that place. I have no favorite table or special spot to look out the window.

"You can come over to my house," Aurora offers.

"Your house?!" I exclaim, almost a bit too wildly.

"I mean, if you don't want to, we can study somewhere else. I just figure the coffee shops will be too loud, and the regular library will be filling up since everyone has finals," Aurora states quietly. She sounds almost disappointed by my response.

"Oh, uh, no that sounds good. I just didn't expect you to offer. I'd offer my house as well, but it's a bit chaotic on the weekends," I explain.

"It'll be quiet at my house," Aurora promises. "Do you want to come over, then?"

My palms are sweating for some reason, and I feel a bit awkward standing beside her as I close my locker. Even my limbs are trembling a bit for some reason that I can't quite pinpoint. I suppose it's always nervewracking going over to someone's house for the first time. Not knowing the parents that well or where the bathroom is...

"Sure," I say against my own better judgment.

"What's your number? I'll text you," Aurora says. 

I reluctantly hand her my phone. This was not a barrier I planned to cross so soon, but I suppose it makes it easier to ask Calculus questions. Aurora hands my phone back to me, where I see her name has joined my contacts list.

"See you soon." She turns and walks away, leaving me to stand there for a few moments and collect my thoughts before I start walking home by myself.


Aurora texts me later that evening to ask if I can come over Saturday afternoon. I still hesitate texting her back, but I agree, and she sends me her address. I feel strangely nervous about the situation, but I do value our study time, and I could use some extra help before Monday's test.

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