"I'll see you later. Get some rest." he said kissing my head and lightly pushing me out.

"Good luck." I said leaving.

"Alright, buddy. Let's do this." I heard him say before I went in my room and collapsed on my bed. It was already 1:30 AM.

I'm gonna kill him. I promised, before falling a sleep.


I woke up at 5:00AM awhile ago to finish the paperwork I brought home that was due today at 7:30.

I originally planned to do them last night after my bonding time with Jake, but my childish brother had to become depressed and decided to be a drunk teenager so I couldn't concentrate on the papers.

I asked Mike to give them to Sebastian at the office and to tell him I wasn't coming to work because I wasn't feeling  well from the lack of sleep and stress.

Jake didn't sleep in my room, I guess he fell asleep in Jace's room and I was pretty sure he got drunk as well.

I was already showered and dressed up into an oversized shirt and shorts. I took a nap awhile ago which decreased the headache I had after finishing the paperwork, together with Aspirin I feel better now, but still drained.

Right now it was 12:53, I was in the living room watching a rerun of Friends. It's old, but hey, I love the show.

I had my feet propped up the coffee table as I drank a smoothie I made a while ago.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and as I looked to my right, Jake came in.

He flopped down beside me and buried his face in the crook of my neck as he hugged my waist, groaning.

I put my hand up to his head and patted it lightly. "Hungover?"

He nodded, then groaned. Knew it.


He nodded again.

"Scrambled eggs and bacon?"

He nodded.

"Hmm, pineapple juice?"

"Love you." he said hoarsely.

I chuckled lightly as he let go of me. "Love you too, babe."

I went over to one of the cabinets in the kitchen and got the emergency kit, I grabbed the bottle of Aspirin setting it on the counter knowing that Jace will also need it later.

I got a piece and poured some water in a glass and headed back to the living room.

Jake was lying on his back on the couch, his arm covering his eyes.

I noticed that he muted the TV and put my phone on the coffee table since it was beside me on the couch awhile ago.

"Babe." I said shaking him lightly waking him up.

He groaned but opened his eyes and sat up. I handed him the pill and water and then I went to close the curtains knowing that the sunlight hurt his eyes.

"How much did you drink?"

"The fuck if I know." he groaned.

"Cranky, aren't we?"

"Love you."  He apologized.

I smiled and shook my head as I exited the living room and went in the kitchen. I took out some eggs and bacon and started cooking them.

I got the first batch done and I turned the stove off to get Jake.

"Babe." I said shaking him gently. "Come on, food's ready."

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