Chapter 16

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1. The man whom I respect most is my father.
2. That is the house in which he lived.
3. I will remember the day on which we both met.
4. Please tell me all that you know.

'Don't tell me they thought the Hero Course was supposed to be all training and stuff?' Natsuki thought while looking at her classmates. 'They're training heroes not soldiers.'

"Can anyone tell me which one of these sentences is wrong?" Hizashi, aka Present Mic, asked.

Momo raised her hand in the air to answer the question.

"The relative pronoun is in the wrong place in number four," she said.

'I fucking hate school,' Natsuki thought.


"That... is a lot of ramen Uzumaki-chan."

Natsuki looked up without stopping her eating. The entire lunch room looked at her with fascination, save for Izuku. She was eating at an incredible speed without making any mess. She was also on her third bowl of ramen with ten more to go.

"This is extremely unhealthy Uzumaki-san!" Tenya exclaimed as he aimed his hand at her food.

Natsuki finished her third bowl and looked at the tall boy.

"I don't care. Ramen is the food of the gods," Natsuki stated.

"Please! It's not even that good!"

Izuku coughed and moved away. This was bad.

Natsuki turned to the person who said that. It was an upperclassman girl. She smiled at her and the area got noticeably colder.

"Look, I'm not a violent person, however, I will take a knife and carve a fucking bible verse into your femur, wrap you in bungee cords and fruit roll ups, bounce you like a yo-yo off of the Eiffel Tower, take your body and ROLL IT~ ROLL IT ON A RIVER~," Natsuki sang. "AND THEN TAKE THAT BODY, DRY IT OFF, THROW IT IN A WOOD CHIPPER, TAKE YOUR REMAINS, TURN IT INTO ASHES, TURN YOUR ASHES INTO A VINYL FOR HIGHWAY TO HELL!"

Natsuki took a deep breath.

"AND PLAY IT... as I make myself dinner," Natsuki said. "IF! You do not. Like. Ramen."



Natsuki's eye twitched at Toshinori's entrance. It twitched even more as her class mates fawned over him.

"I teach Hero Basic Training," Toshinori announced. "It is a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero. You'll take the most units of this subject! Let's get right into it! Today we'll be doing combat training!"

"Combat..." Katsuki started with a cruel smirk.

"," Izuku finished with a determined smiled.

Natsuki smirked. This was going to be fun.

"And to go with that are these!" Toshinori pointed to the wall.

The wall pushed five columns out that looked like shelves. They were separated into groups of five and each had a number on it.

"Costumes based on your quirk registrations and requests you sent in before school started," All Might said. "After you change gather in Ground Beta."


Natsuki shifted in her 'costume'. It was one of the older versions of the Konoha ANBU uniform. It was black armor with a pocket on the front, fishnet elbow armor on her left arm, a elbow length fingerless gloves with a piece of metal over her dorsal on her right hand, black shinobi pants, black shinobi boots, and a white and red fox mask.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2021 ⏰

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