Chapter 15

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"You're from class 1-A right?"

Natsuki turned her head slightly. There was a head sticking out of a wall. Her eye twitched slightly as she looked at the face.

'It looks like a cartoon.'

"Hai...I am from class 1-A," Natsuki said. "And you're-."

Natsuki stopped and took a good look at the face.

"-you're Tōgata Mirio, right?" Natsuki questioned. "From class 3-B?"

The head laughed before going back through the wall. Natsuki stood there for a long moment before the same head stuck out from around the corner.

"I bet you were surprised a moment ago," Mirio said. "I did that so you would be surprised. I am Tōgata Mirio. Nice to meet you!"

Natsuki tilted her head to the side in wonder.

'He's very strange,' Natsuki thought.

"My name is Uzumaki Natsuki," Natsuki said slowly.

From what she'd seen when she watched the last Sports Festival, Mirio was very strong. That didn't make him any less weird.

"So what's a first year still doing here?" Mirio asked. "Shouldn't you be on your way home?"

"The Principle Nezu wanted to speak with me and I want to take a look around," Natsuki said.

"Seeing Principle Nezu in the first day?" Mirio asked rehotorically. "You must be a problem child!"

'...Another adorable being? Maybe I should just protect the whole school,' Natsuki thought.

"There you are Mirio!"

A periwinkle colored hair ran up to Mirio. A boy walked up slow behind them, nervously. Natsuki stared at the boy for a second before shaking her head.

'That's not Sasuke,' Natsuki thought. 'Sasuke was arrogant, rude, and a bit unstable. This guy is everything but.'

"W-who's this Mirio?" The boy asked.

"Oh! This is Uzumaki Natsuki, from class 1-A," Mirio said. "Uzumaki-chan, these are my friends, Amajiki Tamaki and Hado Nejire, from class 3-A."

"The other members of the Big Three," Natsuki said. "Nice to meet you Amajiki-san, Hado-san."

"N-n-nice to m-meet you too," Tamaki stuttered.

"Wow are those whiskers? Or are they scars?" Nejire asked. "Do they have something to do with your quirk?"

'Okay so I need to put strong defensive seals around the perimeter of the building.'

"While some people would think they're a byproduct of my quirk they're actually birthmarks," Natsuki explained. "A side effect of my mother's quirk."

"So cool!"

As Nejire examined more of her physical features Natsuki allowed her eyes to travel to the Tamaki. She had seen him fight in the last Sports Festival as well and he had shown great skill as well as control over his emotions. While it was obvious he was terribly shy he never let that stop him from reaching his goal.

Tamaki flushed in embarrassment as his junior sized him up. He turned and pressed his head into the wall.

"Gomenasai, Amajiki-san," Natsuki apologized immediately. "It wasn't my intention to make you uncomfortable."

"I-It's f-f-fine," Tamaki replied, keeping his head presses firmly against the wall.

"Tamaki is just really shy," Mirio reassured her. "What do you say we have a little sparing session?"

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