Chapter 9

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<James' P.O.V>

After Al got out of the hospital I brought her straight home. Everyone was really worried about her as was I. on the drive home she held my hand and it hurt looking down at her bandaged arms.

"You ok Jamie?" Al asked. I chuckled at her nickname and nodded kissing her hand.

"I am now just never do anything like that again ok? You shared the shit out of me who was going to feed us if you were gone" I smirked at her while she rolled her eyes.

"I wont do it again and I am sure some one would take care your lazy ass once I was" we had a good laugh before pulling up to the house. Al slowly made her way upstairs to take a shower as I began to make us both a sand which. I made our food and grabbed some chips to share with her. I walked up stairs and heard the bath running instead of the shower.

"Hey Al can I come in?" I asked through the door pressing my ear against the door.

"Ya come on in," she yelled through the door. I opened the door slowly and peaked my head in to see Al in the bathtub filled with bubbles that covered most of her body. Her chest floated above the water but because of the bubbles it covered most of her chest.

"I have some food" I smiled. Al opened her eyes and smiled brightly at me reaching out to take the food. I handed her the pate that she balanced on the edge of the tub. I put the lib of the toilet down and sat looking at Al mainly her chest, cause she is someone who knows how to cover up a little too well so when I do get to see her chest even part of it that is rather rare.

"You're staring" Al sang taking a bite of her food.

"Because you're Beautiful," I sang back, laughing at the large blush that took over Al's face. "You known I want you to go see a therapist, right?" I questioned taking another bite of my food.

Al popped another chip into her mouth before sighing, "I know you do, but I don't want to be judged by another person," she admitted. "I would have gone much sooner but when I try I just feel like I am over reacting. You known I tried three times to tell you guys about Max hurting me but I felt like such a fool that I didn't say anything?" her eyes were trained on the shower head as she continued to eat chips.

"You know you have to go now, and all that you just said was stupid do not belittle yourself and your problems are more important than anything else in the word" I kissed her forehead and looked down a little but I was mainly going into kiss her forehead.

"You're to nice to me," she giggled throwing some crust at me.

"You're too pretty for me" I laughed flicking bubbles at her.

"Hey hey hey fuck off the food James the food" he squeaked covering sandwich with one of her hands. After we finished our food I left and got her a sent of my boxers and her favorite bud light shirt. After I brought her the clothes I left the bathroom to let her change.

That was two years ago.

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