chapter 5

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''please don't leave me'' she whispered to me. i didn't want to go so i stayed. 

''can you let me get dressed" i asked giving him big puppy eyes. he placed me on the bed went and got my bag it was a draw string bag it was the only clothes i had left some had blood some had holes but i didn't mind. he gave it to me i nodded a thank you he left and after i had put on my sleeping clothes he came back in. i was in a pair or blue shorts that had blood stained to it and a white tank top with blood and holes on the bottom i didn't mind.

"what are you wearing?" he asked feeling the holes.

"cloths. what do you not like them?" i asked feeling like i was useless.

"i don't. you have to wear my clothes cause those are sad and bloody and have holes you can't wear that kind of stuff tomorrow we are going shopping i need some new jeans anyways" this was weird no one had ever taken me shopping before. i wrapped my arms around him and put my face in his chest crying but for once they were happy tears. "hey don't cry lets put you in the cookie monster hoodie that will make you happy don't be sad pleas'' i was laughing at him as he whipped the tears away from my eyes.

''they are not sad tears they are happy tears i have never gone shopping" i giggled as he pulled the hoodie over my head. we climbed into bed and i fell asleep fast i was done.

<James' p.o.v.> 

after Al fell asleep i got up and went down stairs i had a plan for tomorrow i was going to make Al have fun even if it killed me.

"James what are you asking exactly?" Jordan asked with the same confused look that everyone had.

"what do girls like?" i asked again.

"James it is not that simple all girls don't just like one thing" Dan told me and this was a real shock to me.

"i wish" Jordan mumbled as Sly snorted and brushed some hair out of Aleks's eyes i hate it when they act cute cause i can't act like that with Al... yet.

after a long confusing night of figuring out girls as best i could i went up stairs and Al was still asleep i climbed in and pulled her into me falling asleep.

{next morning} 

i woke up Al was still asleep i unwrapped my arms from around her and went down stairs and began to make coffee. after about ten minutes Al came down stairs in the hoodie and looking like a child who had just woken up the way she yawned the way she kind of stumbled how she stretched how she rubbed her eyes. she just looked cute.

"aaawwww look at Al all little and tired" Sly cooed walking into the kitchen with his arm lazily around Aleks's shoulders and Aleks had his arms around Sly's waist. that just pissed me off so i quickly wrapped my arm around Al's waist. she just smiled and took my coffee from my hand and drank the rest.

"so Al i heard about you and James' date" Dan smirked from the table. Al went red in the face looking like she was going to burst into flames at any moment i chuckled a bit and squeezed her side a bit.

"ya i am really excited i have never gone shopping let alone a mall'' she jumped away and up stairs to go get dressed. 

"don't do anything stupid today you brown" Jordan smirked winking at me. i walked up stairs and found Al sitting on the bed holding too shirts in her hands.

"witch one should i wear?" i looked at both of them one had a hole in the bottom and the other had a blood stain on the shoulder. i threw them in the trash. "what the fuck are you doing?" she asked.

''give me one thing in that small bag with no blood or holes'' she pulled out 5 shirts two pairs of shorts one pair of jeans, a skirt, and a pair of leggings. i looked through them all and the leggings were the only things without holes or blood on them. i took everything but the leggings and threw threw them in the trash.

"here wear this till we get you real cloths" i handed her my alienware shirt and the leggings. i left her to get dressed as i went and did the same. i pulled on some jeans and my this is the end shirt. i came back and she was in the shirt i gave her. it went down to her middle thigh i chuckled at how cute she looked in it. 

''ya sorry to tell you this but you are not getting this shirt back'' she smiled spinning in front of the mirror.

''i don't mind you look cute in it anyways'' i told her honestly she blushed and looked away.

"ready to go" she asked me looking up i nodded and turned around. she jumped on my back. ''ONWARDS MY TRUSTY STEED"she yelled i laughed with her and ran to my car. after a day of being dragged from store to store and giving Al a compliment every chance i got finally we were done shopping and i had some more pants. we split up for awhile she had to get some new underwear so i went to hot topic across from Victoria's secret. i went though some cloths till i found an oversized sweatshirt for cage the elephant. i bought it for Al cause i knew she loved the band and then i bought a slutty cat outfit also for Al cause Halloween was coming up and i was going to get it as a joke a really hot joke. i came out and found her checking out at Victoria's secret. i came up behind her and looked over her shoulder. 

"what did you get?" i tried to see in the bag but she only had one black bra out and it looked kind of big duly noted.

"nothing you need to worry about'' she turned patting my head. the women who was checking Al out was also checking me out. she began to flirt with me and i flirted back with her. 

"call me some time" she was about to hand me a slip of paper with her number on it that i didn't want but Al took it from her hand.

"i am sorry but he already has a girlfriend and it is me'' i looked at her kind of stunned the girl at the counter was not going to stand for that.

''he probably only wants you for your size F, you're probably not even interesting'' she scoffed.

whoa wait Al my little Aiko is a size F?

"you know what fuck off" Al growled back grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the store. i was still in shock from the F's thing but i just went along with it. when we got to the car i came back to reality. 

''well lets go somewhere i want to go'' i drove us up one of the mountains on the outside of town i liked to come here to think and get away from all the dick heads i had to work with every day. the sun was setting so it looked perfect just like the girl i brought up here.

"James this place is beautiful" i smiled at her and pulled her out of the car and onto the hood with me. she leaned on me and sighed.

"hey you OK?" i looked down at her on my shoulder.

"ya. no. no no i am not it is just that i am real sorry about what happened in the store back there you know. it is just that i feel bad that i ruined your chances with that girl'' i smiled at her.

''that's why we are here cause well i wanted you to ruin my chance with that girl cause i want a chance with the girl that is in front of me. i would really like to go out with you Al. and i get it if you don't want to cause of everything that has happened" i looked at her and saw her biting her lip. she began to nodded her head and fell into my chest hugging me close. i let out a breath i didn't even know i was holding and pulled her into me more. she looked up at me and slowly leaned in and kissed me.

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