Chapter 20

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Naimoie's POV

Hour 1

Matt and I are in my room. I'm finally able to stand and move from the doctors orders. I pace back and forth, biting my nails.

"Nai, you should sit down, come here." He opens his arms to me.

"I don't think I can, not yet at least." I feel like I'm going crazy. My mind racing with thoughts of my little sister. Is she okay? Has anything gone wrong?

"They said they would give us updates throughout the surgery baby. Come sit with me." I glance at him as he once again has his arms open for me. I walk over to him and sit on the couch. He wraps his arms around me. My heart is racing, and my mind is spinning. He places a small kiss on my temple.

"What if she doesn't make it out of this."

"We will work through it together."

"I just can't imagine my life without her."

"I know baby, I know."

Hour 3

Matt and I have moved to a family waiting room. I scroll through my phone that I haven't checked since before the incident. It was finally retrieved from Matt's house. I see many texts and missed calls from David and Hunter. I started a group chat on my phone.

'Hey you guys.'

'Oh my gosh Naiomie, are you okay?' David replies almost instantly.

'Naiomie, it's so good to hear from you' Hunter chimes in.

'I'm doing okay, I just got my phone back.'

'I heard about everything on the news, Naiomie I'm so sorry.'

'Thank you, once things settle a little more, I'll let you guys come visit. Right now I think I just need to heal a little more.'

'We totally understand Nai, we look forward to seeing you. Keep your head up.'

I set down my phone and look over to Matt who is grabbing some coffee. They moved him to a walker finally. He has been pushing himself in physical therapy so hard.

"Matt?" he turns to me.


"I love you." He smiles, setting down his coffee and walks over to me.

"I love you more than words can explain." He moves a piece of my hair behind my ear and cups my cheek. He slowly plants a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Forever and always?" I asked him. He nods his head.

"Forever and always."

Hour 6

Mr. and Mrs. Pearson both come and sit in the waiting room with us. Matt's hand in mine I look at the ticking clock. Each time the minute hand passes, my anxiety raises.

"We're six hours in, they didn't tell us how long it was going to be." I claim.

"Always remember that no news is good news." Mr. Pearson says. I nod my head. A nurse in scrubs walks into the room, I immediately stand.

"So far we've had a few complications, but the doctor's are working through it. Her vitals are stable for now. I'll try and keep you updated as much as we can. This is going to be a very long and hard surgery, as you must know already. We are doing all that we can."

"Thank you." I say with a pounding heart and a quivering voice. I sit back down and my leg shakes. Matt sets his hand onto it, putting it to a stop.

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