Chapter 13

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I stare at him blankly, as nothing processes in my head. I feel my body becoming numb with every breath I take in and out. Matt walks over to me and kneels just like Officer Hale is. He grabs both of my hands and starts speaking to me. I can't hear him though, I hear nothing, I feel nothing. The room continues to spin around me. None of this could be happening. I feel Matt shaking my hands to respond to him, but even if I wanted to no words will come out. Hale takes Matt's hands away from mine and Matt sinks to the floor, and begins sobbing. Tyler walks over to him and lifts him pulling him into a hug. Matt pounds his fists against Tyler's chest. Officer Hale stands up and looks at me. I slowly start coming back into reality, his words become more clear to me.

"Naiomie, I need you to respond." Hale speaks softly. I slowly lick my dry lips.

"H-how" I manage to mumble out. Tyler releases Matt as he wipes his eyes. Officer Hale wrinkles his forehead.

"I asked you how. I don't want it fucking sugar coated anymore." I spit, anger rushing through my veins.

"He unplugged the machine, I already told you." Hale replies. I didn't even realize the words he said to me from my state of shock. He stands up slowly. "There was a note left next to her, another note. He signed it and everything" My heart stops. I look at him bewildered.

"What did it say?" I ask looking straight at him.

"Something along the lines that he was back and is coming for you next." He replies.

"And he somehow got away? H-he killed my mo-" I stop myself trying to pull myself together. "My mother, and he gets away." None of them speak. "YOU LET HIM GET AWAY. HOW DID HE GET INTO THE HOSPITAL. BETTER YET HOW THE FUCK DID HE GET INTO THE ROOM?" I scream as I finally break and my body is wracked with sobs. "I never.." I gasp for air. "I was terrible to her the last time I saw her!" I grab the lamp on the table beside me and throw it across the room. "IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ME. I WAS THE ONE WHO WAS SUPPOSED TO LET HER GO. HE TOOK THAT FROM ME. HE TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME." I pull my legs close to my chest and rock in the rhythm of the sobs escaping my body. Tyler looks at the ground as he releases Matt. Matt is giving me a sympathetic look trying to stop his crying, as he is walking over to me. He grabs me and pulls me into his embrace. I slow my breathing down enough to speak. I look up weakly.

"Take me to my sister." I say coldly. Hale lets out a sigh.

"Naiomie we cannot allow that, you are not safe anywhere but here. Especially now more than ever. Your father, he could be anywhere in Nottawa." I look at him with a death stare.

"You can't keep me here, you have no legal right to keep me here. I'm the boss of myself now, and I swear to god if you don't take me to see her I will take myself." I pause getting out of Matt's grip. "And so help me god if you don't let me go, i'll kill myself right here in this room." Everyone looks at me bewildered. The room is so silent you could hear the heartbeats of each individual in it.

"Naiomie, this isn't a good idea." Officer Hale fretted.

"I don't care. Take. Me. To. See. My. Sister." He sighs rubbing his head.

"You aren't going anywhere without a bulletproof vest," he comes to a halt and turns to Tyler and Matt. "All of you will be in one." I look at him with no response. He slowly turns around and walks out of the room.

"Naiomie? Are you sure about this? Your dad could be anywhere." Matt chimes in.

"Does it matter anymore?" I turn to him. "Does it really matter anymore."

"Yes, it does. You matter to me Naiomie. I can't lose you damn it!" he runs his hands through his hair. Tyler stands behind him continuing to stay silent as he places a hand on Matt's shoulder. He doesn't even flinch.

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