Chapter 4

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"H-how did you find my house." Matt ask puzzled.

"Small town." He smirks, and leans up against the doorway. "Are you going to let me in? It's freezing out here."

"No you can't come in." Matt speaks sternly. I stand in complete silence.

"Well, I didn't expect that reaction. I at least thought you would be happy to see me."

"What the hell are you doing here Tyler?" He says with a sharp tone of voice.

"Well after I got released, I knew the only person I wanted to see was I moved in with my uncle who just happens to live right in the same town as you." Tyler puts a hand on Matt's arm and rubs it softly, Matt quickly shoves back.

"Do not touch me." He spits. "I want you gone. Do you fucking hear me." Tyler looks shocked at Matt's words.

"I wanted to apologize to you." He says, trying to enter the house. Matt stops him with his foot.

"You had years to do that."

"Don't you even want to hear what happened to me? How many times I tried to get clean, and kept failing. Babe, you were the only thing that kept me from not giving up."

"NO." Matt yells and I jump a little. "You don't get to fucking call me that, I've moved on. I'm in love with someone else, and you, your revolting personality, I want you to get the fuck off my property." Matt's words spew like venom. My eyes widen at his comment.

'I'm in love with someone else.'

His and Tyler's face are only inches apart now.

"Listen it's pretty late, me and Matt still haven't eaten dinner, we have school tomorrow. Please just leave." I cut in motioning towards the door, trying to stop it before it got worse. I pull Matt back by his shirt, as I feel his whole body stiffened.

"And you, you're the girl who ran into me in the hall. I never caught your name." his voice softens a tad.

"Naiomie." Matt's interrupts before I could answer. "It's Naiomie, and I heard you were a real jackass to her, another reason I want you to get out of my damn house." Tyler pats Matt on the shoulder.

"I never meant to hurt you Pearson."

"Yeah, and I never meant to fall in love with a travesty."

Tyler's voice suddenly changes, and anger seeps out.  "It was a summer relationship, you should have gotten over it. You should have just left me alone, and stopped following me around like the puppy you were." Tyler turns on his heels and begins walking down the drive. Matt breathing heavily suddenly runs out the front door grabbing the vase on the entrance table holding some fake flowers on the way out.

"MATT NO!" I yell running after him trying to stop him as he threw the vase in Tyler's direction. The Vase barely misses Tyler as he turns around with stone cold eyes.

"Pearson you are going to wish you didn't do that." He spit. Matt just stood there breathing heavily. I gasp shaking from the cold. Tyler looks over to me and his stone cold eyes get softer, almost like he is giving me sympathy.

"Get her inside and warm. I'll see you both tomorrow." Tyler says opening his car door and hopping in. Matt turns around looking towards me, he walks over to me grabbing my hand leading me into the warm house.

"I'm going to go wash up for dinner." He says not looking me in the eyes.

"Matt I-" Before I could finish the sentence he is already up the stairs. I just nod my head to myself. I quickly scramble to the kitchen to drain the noodles and mix in all the ingredients. I quickly finish and put the food into bowls and walk into the living room. Matt walks down in PAC Man pajama pants and a plain white V neck.

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