Chapter 9

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"So when is he supposed to get here?" Matt questions as we walk through the front door.

"I told him seven thirty." I reply. Matt nods and kicks off his shoes.

"I feel like crying." he whispers.

"It's okay to cry. I won't judge you." I walk close to him and he wraps his arms around me.

"I'll try not too, i'll be strong."

"I'm really proud of you. This is a huge thing for you." We get interrupted by the doorbell ringing. Matt's breath hitches as he walks over to the door. He grips the handle and pulls it open. Tyler stands with a bottle of wine and gives a small smile. Matt just ushers him inside, without saying anything. He walks through the doors. We all stand there for a moment until I decide to break the silence.

"Well, i'm going to give you guys some room to talk. If anyone needs me i'll be cleaning up the kitchen." I announce walking out of the room. I begin thinking to myself 'I really hope everything works out...'


I sit down on the couch as anxiety fills my body. Tyler just stands there awkwardly.

"You can sit down." I say softly and he nods, sitting across from me.

"So, why are you here?" I question, my voice still quiet.

"I wanted to apologize. You deserve an explanation for everything...ask me anything you want and i'll answer it sincerely. No more holding back, no more bullshit." He declared. I re-position myself on the couch and clear my throat.

"Why did you fight me that night?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

"I thought I was asking the questions." I respond with annoyance.

"Fair enough...I was really high and I wasn't thinking."

"That You weren't thinking?" He purses his lips.

"What you said hurt me, and my anger mixed with the drugs caused me to become infuriated. So I took it out in the only way that I knew, violence."

"Why did you start using?" I ask, picking at the fabric on the couch.

"I really don't know the answer. I don't think any addict knows the answer. Maybe to numb the pain I had in my life."

"I thought I was there to help ease your pain."

"You did Matt, I loved you. You were my first...everything." He lets out a sigh.

"But when did you stop loving me?" I murmur almost as if I was afraid to hear his answer.

"When you told me you weren't going to take me back. That night by the pool. I knew I had to stop loving you, so I could let you go and fly. In that moment as we beat each other I made the decision to stop, once and for all."

"I deserved better." I spit. "I deserved so much better. I deserve someone who really loves me."

"You aren't listening to me Matt. I did love you. But, you're right you did deserve better. You deserve someone with no baggage, someone who never would hurt Naiomie."

"The baggage wasn't the problem Tyler. We all have baggage, don't you get that? Everyone struggles, but that doesn't give you the right to ever treat someone...better yet yourself that way. Life is too short and precious to waste." He looks to his feet. I sigh heavily. "You're burned in the back of my mind like a tattoo Ty, and I can't seem to let you go either. I'm not in love with you, but you'll always have a special place in my heart." My words soften, as my anger lessens.

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