Micropolis (1)

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The (1) indicates this is the first story of this small series of short stories.

Jake's Pov:

"Fucking humans. Who do they think they are?" Muttered Jake, sitting in the corner of the cage, tossing a piece of 'Tiny Chow' up and down like it's a ball. It was really the only fun thing to do that wasn't talking or imagining how he would kick the humans in the balls if he was their size. Or just their... area, if it was a girl. Jake isn't sexist. He'd smack a human child.

"Big, strong, dominant, scary, mean-"

"Yah, yah, yah, shuddup! Your getting me down!" Jake cut his 'cage buddy' off. They both think the term 'cellmate' is more adequate. 

His cellmate was named Dominic. He was shipped in from Nebraska. Dom was an... interesting fella. He was nice and innocent, but seemed to run his mouth. He might accidentally get others down in the dumps as he doesn't know when to stop. He was nice and all but Jake suspected he might have a slight mental problem. Either that or he's super unobservant of peoples' feelings.

Despite being pets, they were given some things. They were fed 3 times a day (even if it was just bland pellets, practically dog food), given water, bathed once a month, and get two sets of clothes. One pair is a white t-shirt and white shorts, for the 'warm' days. It was funny because these would take place during the winter, as they turned the heat up. The other pair was a black sweatshirt without a hood and black sweatpants. They were also given what seemed to be miniature Vans.

*Ring ding ding* Most didn't acknowledge the ringing of the door anymore. Excluding Dom, of course.

"Hey Jake, take a look at this guy! He looks like he's gonna go to an office meeting. I think. That's kinda what the human business men wore, right?" They had an idea as they did used to live near humans. The tinies made little towns out in the forest. They had to 'borrow' from the humans occasionally, so they had an idea of what they looked like. Then their race was discovered and turned into pets. Because screw humans, that why.

"Ugh, what the hell is it- PFFFT" Jake sputtered and laughed a little bit. Dom was right. Despite only looking 19, he was in a button up shirt and khakis. He had a belt, dress shoes, everything. He even had... what were the tiny music machines called? Sky... No wait, Air Pods! The rich people thing! He looked to stuck up to be in a pet shop. Oh shit. He's probably gonna screw with one of his friends. Friends is a strong word but at least they didn't stick him in a cage.

"He's gonna be trouble." Sighed Jake.

"How so?" Question Dominic. 

"How doesn't he see it? Oh wait, he's Dom." Jake thought to himself. "He looks like the kind of dude to abuse a tiny."

"Huh. Yeah, he does."

The man, teen, however young he is strolled up to the counter. 

"How may I help you today sir?"

"Hmm... How much does a tiny cost?" He asked in a much more polite voice than you would assume.

"Oh, well it depends on the store but we sell our tinies for 65 dollars." The woman at the desk said in an almost robotic yet cheery voice.

"That's... Quite cheap for them."

"Yeah. Fucking disgusting at how low they can sell a life for." Jake thought glumly.

"Yep! And we pride ourselves on our prices!"

"Huh, yeah. Great prices." The man said, almost darkly. "Mph." He cleared his throat and looked back up at the woman at the register. "How many tinies do you have in stock?"

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