Qrow: Yeah, I got another tip for ya.

Dee and Dudley: Huh?

Dee and Dudley turn to see Qrow confronting them. Qrow has his hands in his pockets and gives Dee and Dudly a frown.

Qrow: Buzz off. (stands between Ruby and Yang as they make faces, mocking Dee and Dudly in the background) Looks like Mistral's really scraping the bottom of the barrel these days.

Dee: Hey! You're talking to a--

Qrow: (holds his huntsman license, showing Dee and Dudley) A professional Huntsman, right. Well, it seems one of you heroes left the staff entrance to the caboose wide open.

Dee and Dudley turn around to the left in surprise at this revelation.

Qrow: (crosses his arms) It'd be a shame to lose your job before it even started.

Dudley: I... I didn't do it!

Dee: (scoffs) Come on, dummy.

Dee and Dudley walks away from them. Oscar Pine watches the two leaving.

Dee: (arguing with Dudley) Well, I didn't do it either...

Ozpin: (mentally) I do hope those weren't Beacon graduates.

Oscar: You know sometimes the burden of saving the world feels overwhelming. (turns to everyone) But then people like that come along and make me grateful that it's our jobs and theirs.

Everyone collectively agrees with Oscar as they nod at him together.

Ruby: Uh-huh.

Jaune: Yeah.

Qrow: So, you kids ready to go? Bike all loaded up?

Yang: Yep!

Weiss: Just waiting on Blake. As usual.

Anna: Damn she just got roasted.


The train, Argus Limited, is seen traveling in the snowy countryside along a mountain. Inside, passengers walk through the halls. An elderly woman is seen passing by a room that Team RWBY is staying in. The four girls are all on beds reminiscent to their old dorm room from Beacon. Weiss is reading a book, Ruby plays a game on her Scroll, Yang is reading a magazine, and Blake is looking out the window.

Ruby: All right, everyone, I think it's time for an official team exercise. (enthusiastically) Who wants to play video games?

Yang: I mean, if you want me to kick your butt, yeah sure. Let me grab my scroll.

Yang goes to grab her scroll from her bag. Blake notices this and quickly walks over to her.

Blake: Here, let me help you with that.

Blake helps get Yang's bag down from the shelf, much to Yang's dismay.

Yang: Blake, you don't have to that. (takes her bag)

Blake: (saddened) I don't know what you're talking about.

Yang: I'm fine. We're gonna be fine. It's just gonna be a bit before things are back to normal. But... I am glad we're all back together.

The two smile at each other, with Ruby and Weiss joining in as well.

Blake: Yeah, okay.

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