In the middle of the night

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You ran that night while everyone was asleep to go look inside your self.

You opened a portal to the dimi-realm (the dimensional realm from the first few chapters)

You walked out as you heard a painful moan.

Ariel: B-boss... I-is that y-you. *cough* g-go please.

You looked as you saw Ariel there on the ground

You looked as you saw Ariel there on the ground

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You: Ariel are you...

Ariel looked up at you as she nodded.

Ariel: He-e corrupted me... Well me as in my shell.

You: What?

Ariel: I found out I'm two different AI in one. Me and someone who I can't identify. All I know is that my thoughts and memories will go to her. We have made an agreement not to tell you her name but instead her gender... Female.

You: Okay but what about you.

Ariel: This is my final stage of rampancy. I'm sorry.

You: okay. But when will your shatter happen?

Ariel: not l-o-n-g f-from no-ow. Please go

You: No! I'm staying!

You held Ariel's hand as she begun to crack. Her feet dissolved first then legs, arms, and body as she looked up at you smiling.

You began to cry as she fully shattered into data as a light shone through the data as it reformed into...

You began to cry as she fully shattered into data as a light shone through the data as it reformed into

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You looked shocked as you saw Summer Rose.

Summer: Hello I suppose your Y/N?

You: Y-Yes mam.

She looked at you as she walked to you and touched the back of your neck.

She then disappeared in a flash of white pedals.

You: So Ariel taught you that trick.

You saw her from the waist up as the rest of her appeared somewhat ethereal.

Summer: Yep and also only you can see me usually unless your mind allows it.

You: Nice

Summer: well don't won't to keep her waiting.

You: Well Imma go make an entrance and...

Summer: Well I think nows the time, I just detected one of Gasters minions helping Torchwick. Also you should use you powers he's tough.

You: What! Since when could I do that!

Summer: I don't know. But I sense them returning.

You: well this is gonna be fun.

Summer: Let's go show them a BAD TIME!

you smile as you open a portal and jump though.

A Hero Has Risen (RWBY x Multiverse Male Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora