! Bonus Round !

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You walked to team rwbys door and knocked.

Ruby opened the door.

Ruby: Y-Y/N!

She hugged you tightly. You saw Yang and Summer nod both smiling.

The others looked at you as you entered the room in your armor with scratches covering your face, arms, and legs. You sat down as they begun to ask questions.


After they asked their questions you asked if you could talk to Ruby... Alone. They walked out as you quickly nodded to Summer as she dissipated.

You: Ruby?

Ruby looked up at you with tears in her eyes as she hugged you.

Ruby: I thought I lost you.

You: It will take a lot more than that to kill me, a whole lot more.

Ruby stopped hugging you as she slapped you.

You: I deserve that.

Ruby: Duh! You left us, Why!?

You: I had to talk to... A friend.

Ruby: oh. I thought you ran off or something.

You: Nope

Ruby: Hey that's my line!

You smiled as you two looked each other in the eyes slowly moving closer...


Yet Closer...

You could feel her breath on your skin as she kissed you.

Ruby then freaked out.

Ruby: U-Um. . . .

You: so you do like me?

You gave her a teasing smile as she returned it.

Ruby: Duh!

You held each others hands as she fell asleep on your shoulder smiling.

You: [hey come on in]

Yang, Blake, and Weiss came back in as they got in their beds and slept as did you.

A/N Volume 1 over.

A Hero Has Risen (RWBY x Multiverse Male Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora