Chapter 2

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[North-east of the abandoned city, abandoned mountain resort|
[16:14 Eastern European Time|

OTs-12: Yeah that's the Tigr

Type97: Strange, why would they leave it here? Also that snow...

9A-91: Looks like if a helicopter landed, the oval like shape looks very similar

P-Doll: I will circle back and try and leave you somewhere close to this, I can't risk landing directly there

OTs-12 and her team found themselves in their helo, circling the mountain top as they inspected the area from the sky above, in OTs-12 hands a tablet that allowed them to track any G&K vehicle, something that let them follow their robber's trail, and by the looks of it they picked up more people as the footsteps on the snow let them see that in the area there were at least five people and not only two.

OTs-12: Get your guns ready, they might as well left a trap or set up an ambush in the worst-case scenario

The four dolls got ready, revising their equipment before disembarking and in a matter of about three minutes, their designated pilot left them near the road that leads up into the abandoned resort, taking off immediately as soon as they exited the aircraft and started monitoring their movements from the air as they walked to the now abandoned Tigr.

When they reached the resort's area however their eyes darted around, looking for any clues of an ambush or trap that they might have left but through their pilot's confirmation yet again they knew now that the stolen vehicle was truly abandoned and used as a one-way ticket to get here.

Type97: So, they just used it, got to some sort of chopper and that's it?

Said Type97 looking around, a bit mesmerized by the scenery, it's rare, very rare, that she gets to see so much snow in just one place. It all almost looked like they were the pieces of art in a big white canvas.

OTs-12: Seems like it, and the buildings over there are buried under the snow to the point it would be noticeable if someone dug his way into them to take refugee, there isn't any other tracks or footsteps around so they truly just stole our Tigr to quickly get around here

AS Val: W-Well look at the bright side, we got it back

OTs-12: Yeah, let's just get it started and get out of here before SF tracks us as well

Simply replied OTs-12 and slung her gun around her shoulder, walking calmly towards the Tigr's driver door and opening it. Upon opening it however the entire team could hear a loud ping, the one of a pin being pulled, their eyes widened as they realized the booby trap. OTs-12 quickly slammed the door back closed and run away from the car, jumping deep into the snow to cover herself from the imminent explosion. Her team who was relatively far away from the car at the time did the same and before they knew it, in just ten seconds, their car erupted into a big flame that died out as quickly as it appeared. Glass shards and shrapnel escaped from all sides of the vehicle, the driver's door being blown right off its hinges, and the insides of the vehicle becoming just a simple strainer, rendering the entire car useless. Luckily no one got hurt, that being most probably achieved because of the setup the grenades inside were left in, leaving the team a window of time enough for them to take cover.

"My god, the hell happened, are you all alright?!"

The voice of their pilot buzzed into their inter-links, the sound of the helicopter hovering over their heads in circles invading their already deaf ears as the mere explosion of the car left them ringing.

OTs-12: ...

OTs-12 breaths were short and quick, this was the last thing she was expecting, the sheer cold she felt from lying on the freezing and stinging snow wasn't comparable to the adrenaline that pumped into her as soon as she saw that the driver's door laid broken beyond repair stuck to the floor almost beside her.

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