Chapter 28: Old but gold

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???: R6, you got the report?

R6: Jawohl Kapitän (Yes captain)

She said as she handed off the file containing the documents he asked for the superior took it and looked through it, his face turning from indifference into disappointment.

???: Was ist das? (What is this?)

R6: The report on the latest mission of group 7 captain

???: This ain't the results I wanted!

R6: I know sir but command group C is having some logistical problems, the efficiency will improve greatly after they resolve the--

Her superior swiftly shut her off with a quick yet weak slap to her right cheek, R6 stayed silent as her captain proceeded to talk, perhaps she just shouldn't off even try to defend those poor guys over in logistics.

???: I wanted results above average not average! Re-do it, and pressure them to do it better next time

He said walking off with the file, leaving R6 standing there on the corridor. Her eyes swiftly shifted back into the ground her vision becoming a bit blurry as she sobbed and rubbed her face one time before walking away from there.


Nikolay kept looking at the recording through R6 eyes, also known as her memories, the scene made him remember some things of his past himself however the guys over FAK were more assholish than him in the past and that is a sight to behold.

Nikolay: *Sigh* This is a really inefficient and bad way of trying to find the problem... I think I should go and get everyone's else memories before watching them, maybe watch them all at once and try to see what happened... That would be more efficient yeah...

Looking at the clock he decided to now go and have dinner with everyone, getting up he turned off the pc for now so if someone comes he wouldn't have access to everything. With all this out of the way, he walked back to the elevator and left the underground facilities, now walking slowly and calmly to the cafeteria.

As Nikolay reached it however he was greeted with not the calm and silent aura the hallways had but instead a lively and quite loud environment. All his dolls in difference to some days ago finally talking with ease to each other and just enjoying the food. He smiled a bit at the scenery around him before that smile was taken off him by a quick elbow hit to his side, not strong nor harsh just a light hit to get his sense up.

Raisa: Finally here, let's go

Nikolay: Wh-- what?

Raisa: Hm?

Raisa looked at him as she kept her hands on the tray she was carrying even though she already ate, the food being for Nikolay.

Raisa: I ain't carrying your food for nothing, come on, don't make me wait

Nikolay rolled his eyes as he followed Raisa to a table and sat down with her, his only arm quickly stealing away the fork on the tray before Raisa could react.

Nikolay: However I can eat alone

He responded quickly also as he knew where this was going, Raisa sat there dumbfounded, a small hint of annoyance appearing on her face.

Raisa: Hmpf whatever then...

She said just resting her head on her open palm as her arm rested tall leaving her head supported on her arm looking away at another direction that wasn't Nikolay. Nikolay laughed internally at her reaction but either way was grateful to have the usual back in place.

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