Chapter 17: Preparations for the play

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Sveta: Careful with the right!

Yelled Sveta taking down another dangerously close Ripper. R5 nodded at her aid and finished reloading, taking a grenade out of her pocket she grabbed her Ump 45 tightly by the grip and got out of her cover, making a run for it towards the road, jumping behind the small elevation between the ground and the actual road to use it as cover, rolling over she pulled the pin out of the grenade and waited 2 seconds before throwing the grenade at their ambusher's position exploding almost immediately after hitting the ground.

Sveta: Keep pressuring! Don't let them flank R6!

She screamed shooting with her shotgun at another doll dangerously close to the burning jeep. R6 kept her head low from the bullet storm that raged just above her head, from plasma to lead every single bullet wheezed over her as they failed to hit their marks, the pressure on the 4 dolls building up.

R6: She won't wake up... damn it!

Realizing it was a waste of time at this rate to try and wake up R4 to aid in the ambush, R6 decided to sling her Ump40 around her neck, afterward taking R4 and laying her around her shoulders just like a bag, after kneeling down and making sure R4 won't fall down R6 took her Ump9 and used it as a really unwieldy pistol.

R6: She won't wake up fall back!

Said R6 quickly getting out of the jeeps wreck surroundings and falling back to the forest and vegetation which should provide at least a bit of cover.

Sveta: Negative! Leave R4 somewhere safe and come back here! We gonna push them back!

Yelled in response Sveta loading a fresh mag to her already smoking Saiga which fired slug after slug onto the attackers.

R6: Rogered!

R5: Copied that!

Screamed both sisters in unison back to Sveta, R5 rolled over again and crawled forward a bit, the barrel of her smg peeking over the road at which moment her muzzle flickered yellow as she opened fire and bullets exited the barrel in bursts.

Meanwhile, R6 was able to leave R4 resting behind the cover of rocks and bushes, unslinging her weapon from her neck she left it beside her unconscious sister and turned 180 degrees to run back into action, several bullets passing by her and some of them even scratching her uniform as she jumped behind the cover of a tree near the road.

Sveta looked at R6 being she the one most near her, taking a deep breath she pulled her bolt slightly back catching a glance of how many bullets were left without counting the already chambered slug. As soon as she let the bolt speed back forward she run out of cover and quickly made her way towards R6, shrugging off several shots that hit her directly she slid behind the cover of the tree and readjusted herself kneeling up from the dirt.

R6: Oh my god are you okay?!

Sveta: Nothing major

She said rubbing off a plasma shot that hit her directly onto her right cheek leaving her skin on that part red as a crab.

Sveta: Just burns a bit

She said ignoring the pain of impacts and burns all around her body and looking at R6.

Sveta: You got grenades?

R6 just stared at her in disbelief seeing how she shrugged off a direct headshot, shaking her head furiously she got her concentration back and handed her two M24 stick grenades, Sveta nodded and peeked out of cover, pulling the pin out of one of them she waited a second before sending it flying across the battlefield, her target?

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