Chapter 22: Denouement

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Nikolay took a deep breath before looking down at his Vityaz submachine gun, his eyes shifting quickly after onto the watch wrapped around his wrist, 5:19 am, 1 minute before everything goes down.

Nikolay: I already can feel how something is out of place...

He then looked up as he heard someone approaching him by the footsteps that alerted his ears. Turning around he saw R1s, uniform ready, gun loaded, and watch ticking.

R1s: It's 5:20 already, do I give the order?

She asked without skipping a beat as soon as she had Nikolay's attention, Nikolay gave a side look to the city and quickly turned his gaze back to R1s who awaited an answer.

Nikolay: Commence operations

R1s nodded and opened her comms.

R1s: *Bzzz* All units get into your designated vehicles the operation is starting, I repeat we are leaving immediately

Cutting comms she gave a final look to Nikolay before starting to walk to the APC, Nikolay sighed and adjusted his gloves before following her into the commanding vehicle. After entering Nikolay took a seat beside the radio and counted the girls to confirm their assistance with a quick snap of his eyes.

Nikolay: Everyone here, start advancing

R3: Roger

Nikolay afterward took the radio and connected to the other 3 vehicles to check in as the roar of the APC engine started moving the vehicle accelerating slowly out of the woods.

Nikolay: This is Bolt team speaking we are leaving the safe zone and commencing operations in site 3

Ann: This is Watchtower speaking, heard you loud and clear, the other teams are taking positions, paths are clear

Ak47: Ak here my team is awaiting orders in zone 8

Tokarev: Rope team leader speaking, surroundings are clear and we confirmed null activity from site 5, 4, and 2, awaiting further orders

Nikolay: Watchtower proceed with the plan, Rope move to zone 2, Ironclad forward to position B of zone 8, Rope and Ironclad keep informing us, Watchtower make sure to keep communications running with base and safe zones

Ann: Rogered that

Ak47: Heard you loud and clear over

Tokarev: Moving to zone 2 over

Nikolay put the radio away and looked through the little peepholes of the APC, in 2 minutes they should be at the point inside the city until now everything is running smooth as butter. Sitting back he sighed and made sure one last time his smg was loaded. The R sisters were dead silent but with their looks on Nikolay, no wonders seeing this is their real first operation with their new commander, and not just a bunch of them, all of them at once.

R5: ... Everything gonna be fine...

R3: ETA 1 minute, get your guns ready

She said as the APC made its way quickly through the rubbled streets and desolated squares. Upon hearing this the 8 sisters pulled the carrying bolt of their weapons back at once, the sound of the smgs, assault rifles, and sniper loading a bullet into the chamber filled the vehicle and its passenger's ears. The dolls quickly followed by checking their body armor, something new to their arsenal that they aren't really used too but seeing it wasn't overlapping or getting in the way of their usual mag pouches placements it just felt like extra weight to them, as everything else was already second nature, from mag placements, grenades to hidden knives.

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