Chapter 24: Daily life continues

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R2: What the hell happened?!

R2s: R2! Clam down for fucks sake!

R2: He lost a damn arm R2s!

She said getting off R2s grip and jumping at R1s grabbing her by the collar. R2s quickly stepped in to try and calm them down.

Nikolay: Stop yelling!

Everyone froze in place as Nikolay screamed at everyone to shut up, between the shock everyone was experiencing with the whole situation you now had to add up that they experienced Nikolay's yelling for the first time, Nikolay got away from R6 who was, even if shocked, trying to help him out and make his wounds and pain less of a burden by helping him walk, however now she just looked at how even if still bloodied, pained and tired he walked up to the two sisters and without really caring if he did it gently or not separated the two.

Nikolay: Is there any necessary reason for treating your sisters like this R2?

He said quite annoyed, you could feel it in his voice and on his face as well, R2 stared at him for a few seconds before snapping out on him.

R2: You really are asking that commander?! What the hell is the meaning of losing an arm while under her protection?! How do you explain that? Why wouldn't I yell at her!

Nikolay: Oh right, so you annoyed that I preferred her life over my arm? So your sisters don't mean anything to you or I'm getting the message twisted?

R2 suddenly froze in place as if they just stabbed her in the heart, the statement for some reason delivered such a potent punch to her soul that her eyes became teary all of a sudden. Making her yell on top of her lungs at him.

R2: I care! You know nothing! She doesn't deserve to be valued higher than an arm!

R2s and R5's eyes suddenly widened at the statement as R6 let out a gasp, R3 was getting out of the vehicle because of the screaming outside hearing everything as she hopped out of the vehicle, getting a look at Nikolay and R1s for the first time after they left the vehicle at the start of the mission. To say she was shocked and more than angered at R2's statement would be an underestimation.

Before Nikolay could speak up or anyone could do anything else, his vision suddenly came to a halt as everything around him blurred suddenly into mere shapes lacking off real defined colors making him dizzy all of a sudden that causing him trip to his right, R1s quickly reacted and caught him not letting him fall to the floor as the entire group snapped out and realized what happened, R2's mouth was wide open as she looked down getting a look at Nikolay, but she also noticed R1s, who stared at her angered and with tears in her eyes a small mutter coming from her mouth.

R1s: Can you stop yelling at me for once and help me save at least one commander of ours

Before she could respond R3 interrupted angered to the core with R2 and pushing her out of the way as she helped R1s get Nikolay on his feet.

R3: Hurry up and lay him down inside the vehicle, R6 get the medkit, the rest fucking fuck off will ya! We got a wounded here and you all starting beef!

She yelled making everyone back off as R6 gulped down some saliva and did as ordered. R3 with R1s help quickly ran off to the vehicle to let Nikolay rest and lay on something cleaner than the ground to stabilize his wounds further and hopefully seal them for good until he can get real treatment. R2 stood there just as if a hurricane struck her right into the core, R2s shrugged everything off and run off to help them, R4, R5, and R1 stared at R2 who stared back at R1, who looked at her somewhat disappointed. As per R4 and R5, they avoided eye contact as R4 pushed R5 slightly to make her walk, the two getting back on track as the mission they were in was far from being done.

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