Chapter 7: Fallen falcons

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Nadya: Hey your phone is ringing Nikolay

Nikolay: Hm~?

Nikolay turned around and looked at Nadya who got out of their room and shook his phone as it ringed with a familiar number on the screen. Nikolay got up quick leaving the working benches in which he was dismantling a Ripper and used her parts to make the mechanism of an electric heater. He put away the screwdriver on his hand and took the phone from Nadya.

Nadya: I think its Lyuda

Nikolay: Yeah it's her number *picks up the call* Hey Lyuda something wrong?

Lyuda: Finally, dude you need to come over, like right now, oh and with fucking equipment, like your tools and things I really don't know what you use to repair T-Dolls but dude come quickly because I don't know what the fuck to do

Nikolay: Wow, wow, wow... Slow down, girl... What's happening?

Lyuda: Just come goddamn it!

She hanged up and Nikolay looked at Nadya.

Nikolay: I think she's in trouble... *sigh* Go tell Sveta to get ready we will go right now

He approached a Toolbox and started filling it with equipment he usually utilizes to repair bruises and dents on Sveta plus some extra equipment he uses to calibrate the girls when they bug out a bit. Nadya nodded and got her cape as she got up the stairs, she told Sveta and she immediately started putting on her equipment.

Alisa: And us?

Nadya: You three stay here

Raisa: Well then *she tucked herself in the blanket again*

Alisa: ... Okay, then *sigh* Hey Alyona want to do something?

Alyona: How about we go for a walk and while at it patrol the area?

Alisa: Sounds fun!

Sveta finished putting on her equipment and rushed towards Nadya.

Sveta: So what's the matter? I'm ready, is it the Danish mafia again?

Nadya: Calm down, from what I heard I think Lyuda rescued a T-Doll or something like that

Sveta: Huh... So why do you need me?

Nikolay: For carrying this *he left the two toolboxes on the ground and slung a backpack on his back*

Sveta: Ah easy task then *She grabs the toolboxes and picks them off the ground easily* Hoop

Nikolay: Okay let's go, I really feel like something might happen if we are not quick

Sveta: Lyuda can take care of herself Nikolay

Nikolay: I'm not worried about her I'm worried about the ones with her

The three of them headed out ready from the hangar and followed their usual route to Lyuda's state, Nadya protected them, Sveta carried the equipment and Nikolay took the lead guiding them through their usual route passing by the river and forest the always see. After a while, they got up to the gate of Lyuda's state and Nikolay made a bunch of noise to alert the dog as for making Lyuda know they are here.

Nikolay: Mhh... 11 in the morning... *sigh* I think I will freeze when we arrive home...

Lyuda: Oh god bless your finally here!

She ran towards them rushing out of her home and opened the gate immediately for them to come in after she closed it and looked at Nikolay who took off his mask and looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

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