Chapter 9: Liberation

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R6: ... Are you alright?...

R1s: Why wouldn't I?

R6 worryingly stared at R1s seated alongside her, beaten and with cuts along her face. A cold stare into the nothingness came from her eyes. A deadly silence covering her aura. R6 was also beaten but it was just superficial, nothing a night of rest won't heal, but R1s cuts weren't something just time would heal. In this cell, they were both sat on a bench at the end of the room. Nothing more could be heard but the occasional drop of blood falling from the cheek of R1s.

R6: But... You...

R1s: ... *Rubs off the cut from blood* Don't worry about it...

R6: ... Everything will be alright right?... You will be alright, right?...

R1s: ... Yes, it will be alright R6...


R1: ... *Looking at R3*

R3: ...? *Raising an eyebrow* So... That's how it is huh...

R5: Yeah, I never got to hear that part actually...

As she said that she looked at Nadya who explained to them what was happening, stating herself as an ally to them, do they believe her or not is up to them but she quickly explained all the situation to them, including R3s leaving them and joining her group. As they talked and rested for a bit the storm calmed down a bit more, making it possible to walk outside but still with some difficulties.

R3: ... *Scratching the back of her neck* So... R3s contracted you per say? Huh... Hmmm Okay, I... I really don't know what to say

Nadya: And there's nothing to say, I'm just doing my job, you receiving an explanation is just courtesy of mine

R3: Thanks... I guess then

Nadya: *Sigh* So it's pretty clear I need you three driving towards the marked location in the map yes?

R1: ... How can you both trust her?

R5 and R3 looked at R1 who stared coldly at Nadya with distrustful eyes. R1 received a stare back from R3 and R5 who looked at her for a while before speaking.

R5: I... Don't trust her completely, but she did bring me all the way here and helped me find you

R3: Well, she got a point R1, if she wanted us dead or was working for FAK we would be probably dead long ago... Also, why don't risk the biscuit? We already don't have much to lose honestly

R1: ... You... Agh... If we die I will blame you both

Nadya: Well at least she won't oppose... *sigh* Well take any supplies you need, I will take my leave now, I need to get the other two

R3: You're going to attack FAK's main base? Are you crazy?

Nadya: Who said I will be detected? And also it's not of your business what I will do to finish my job... Or are you perhaps still with FAK?

R3: Hell nah! But I fucking assure you, you won't fucking win against a direct battle with them girl, hell you can't even hurt them, all the personnel is human besides some other dolls you are screwed if they catch ya

Nadya: Thank you for the concern but it isn't needed... Now, don't be late to the designated point it will be a shame if you can't get there because the storm started raging again

Nadya said that she received a sigh from R3 who then nodded to her and looked at her sisters who nodded also. Nadya took out her Ak74M and walked out of the cave, the storm hit her as soon as she set foot out of cover from the wind. She adjusted her cape and hood and started walking towards FAK's main base. Hours passed as she kept walking through the forests and plains full of snow, night was falling all coming along as she wanted. Arrive by night to FAK main base, set up everything in no time, and get the remaining two dolls from there to Lyuda's state.

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