Chapter 15: Settling down

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"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."

-Sun Tzu


ACT II: Marked

Nikolay: You girls got everything packed?

It's been around 2 weeks since the party, Nikolay's group now was composed of the German sisters, the M16 sisterhood and his own little family, and all of them were now helping out to move everything from their old base, their trusty hangar.

Sveta: Not gonna lie, I will miss this place

Said Sveta looking around at the now almost empty hangar, just boxes and dismantled furniture all around, this was probably the last journey that they will have to make to get everything to the new base in griffin territory.

Raisa: Agree with her... And I guess we got everything, we don't need this much furniture knowing we gonna buy more for the base anyways

Nikolay: Yeah, at least I wanted to get the workbenches out of here

Ann: This place is sure big without all the boxes and benches around...

She said looking around the place.

Fang: Pfff, you say that while what surprises me more is that the boss used a fricking tank as a toilet

Ann: I think I'm getting used to the boss being a box of secrets Mk12...

Nikolay: Yeah, yeah, let's get these last boxes to the helo we still have a lot of work to do back at the base

He said with a smile shrugging the comments off and taking a box himself.

Alyona: You reckon the girls back at base finished with their dorms?

Nikolay: Ha good question, but well it's not like the dorms were built to be unique per say

Fang: I quite liked them, the balconies are a really good touch

Ann: Although they are quite small

Fang: Well yeah... But it's still a balcony, fresh air in the morning, imagine how handy will it come in summer

Nikolay: Had that in mind while designing the rooms

He added chuckling a bit and exiting the hangar followed by the two sisters who also carried a box themselves.

Ann: Tho a bit of action wouldn't do harm, to be honest, we have been on standby since we arrived

Fang: Shhh, don't fucking jinx it, this is fucking life drinks and occasionally work like this one, why risk our asses in combat

Nikolay: I see that you are enjoying yourself under my command Fang

He said laughing a bit receiving a chuckle from her.

Fang: Hell yeah, like I don't mind combat, but damn this is 100% better than whizzing bullets over my head

Ann: Well you ain't wrong, but we still cooperating with G&K so that means we are also in a war against SF

Nikolay: Don't worry you two I have to contact Kryuger after we settle in the base completely to inform of our operational status, maybe he has some missions pilled up and ready to be taken by us

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