Chapter 37: Recruting

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Nikolay: That should do... So many files looking at it now... *Sigh* But what was I expecting to be honest if I was gonna dig through their memories...

It currently was 22:34 p.m, Nikolay was in the underground levels inside his workshop revising that the memories he copied from his reunion with R3s and R2s were properly stored and secured inside the network before he started to go through them.

Nikolay: Oh right I also need to revise those emails about the contracts...

Nikolay sighed again, tired as work pilled up suddenly by the end of the day, well more like he ignored it for a long while before acknowledging it, his focus a bit more directed towards the preparations for his own operations. Deciding to get a rest from the R sisters dilemma he went ahead and opened his email account to start checking anything new that has reached him one of the mails getting his attention quite rapidly.

Nikolay: Persica again...

Clicking on it he waited for the message to load, as it loaded Nikolay used those short seconds to take a sip from his red tea leaving the cup beside the keyboard yet again.

Nikolay: Hmm, hmhm, mh alright so tomorrow evening the batch of dolls will arrive

As he kept thinking he quickly send an email back to Persica to confirm he received her notice and is prepared for their accommodation. Finishing writing the email he pressed enter and sent a response back to Persica, his hand now swiftly sliding with the mouse across the desk as he went back into the main menu and introduced a keyword into the search bar to now only go through all the mail about the job offer he posted in the net.

"53 results"

Nikolay: *Sigh* Let's see...

He simply said as she started with the oldest one, going upwards from there, the first ones went rather quickly, no real foundation or the information he wanted to be specified wasn't even addressed some even simply forwarding him towards a phone number or ID so they could have an online meeting, all of these mails he quickly dismissed by sending a polite response that they weren't what he was searching for. By the 23rd or so mail however they finally started to provide what he was searching for his fast pace of checking through them put to a halt drastically as he now had to compare, read and think between each one, pinning the ones he found more suited for later to when he has to make a decision. However, all this back and forth between emails and online profiles that lasted for about 40 minutes came to a halt as soon as he came across one of the latest emails he received at 18:23 today.

Nikolay: Huh... 4 of them in one...

The email in question was pretty simple and plain compared to the others, although not to the point it missed vital information like the first ones he saw. The first one offered up her services in the combat department of the announcement he put on the net, that offer so far only being brought up by 2 or 3 emails he read before. Looking through her online profile she linked to the message under her name, showed to Nikolay that she had 6 years of experience in the department with a really clean and up kept record and was in search of a new job for a long time now as she somewhat recently was kicked out of her previous job in the police forces due to an unstated motive. The email after was stating the other three dolls who were trying to get the bartending offer he put up along the combat offer, going through their profiles as he did with the previous one showed to him that each one of them had quite the experience ranging from 3~5 years of service in the department, furthermore, his interest was reinforced slightly more towards this particular group as they had combat training as bodyguards in their profiles as well, that simple versatility the group had alone almost tempted him to contract them already and forget about the rest of the emails, but the commander sighed yet again taking a deep breath and pinning this specific email and unpinning the others he pinned so far knowing full well that compared to rest he saw this group was the most promising, besides it was a pack of four for one. Spending more time in front of the monitor of his computer Nikolay finally at 0:46 a.m finished reading through them all, and as he predicted in the end the only one he was interested in was the pack, cracking his fingers and getting up to make himself a new cup of tea he opened up that email yet again and while waiting for the water to boil sat back down on his chair and wrote a response to them, congratulating them and stating every information they needed about when and where they need to wait to be picked up and brought to their new workplace.

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