Chapter 43 - Hope

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Pov Midoriya
I sighed as I stared out of the window, watching people go about their business as usual. A small smile crept on my face as I remembered the events of a week ago. I defeated Tenko, I killed him. It felt good, not gonna lie. But the building was more unstable than I thought and I wasn't fast enough to catch it as everything came tumbling down... They say my heart stopped. I don't know how long, but it stopped beating.

Kacchan was the one who found me and Kaminari was the one to reanimate me. I don't really remember the aftermath that well, since I was falling in and out of consciousness. But I know the heroes collected Tenko's remains and I was brought to a hospital since we don't have a base to treat me anymore. Our other temporary bases were already overflowing and Shoto told me I'd demanded to be brought to a regular hospital.

It's weird, I don't remember it. Going to a regular hospital meant I would be arrested. Why would I willingly let myself get arrested? I frowned a bit, thinking back of what Momo said when she came to visit me once I was awake. She informed me that we had a conversation somewhere between my naps and during the time they were still digging Shigaraki out.

Apparently I told her that I was sick of being the bad guy and that I just wanted to live a normal life. That I wanted to change the world for the better. Yaoyorozu told me she was now one of the big ten, replacing Sakura, and she would try to arrange some things for me. I don't know what she thinks she can do, but I'm willing to wait it out.

I turned around, away from the window, seeing two police agents standing at my door. My room was guarded, like I expected, but not as heavily as I though they would. I could easily escape if I wanted to. This felt like some kind of test in a weird way...

Kacchan came to see me too, even though it might affect his status in the hero world. He told me that they offered him a position on the big ten, but he refused. It was a pity offer, as he called it, and he wouldn't be able to go out in the field that much anymore. Yet he regained his license and was back on the number 1 hero billboard spot. Katsuki also said he'd get his kids from the Yaoyorozu airport. I'm sure he missed them a lot over the last days...

I sighed, looking back out the window. I'm leaving the hospital today, that's what the doctor told me at least. They were impressed at my recovery rate. I didn't tell them that I have some enhancements due to One For All. Apparently Shinsou was taken in as well, getting a full check up now that he was alive again. It's not nothing to come back from the death so they're monitoring him closely. I heard Denki is staying with him and threatens to leave the hospital without power every time they try to separate them.

Suddenly the door opened, making me shriek up.
"Oi nerd! I'm back and I brought the brats!" Bakugou exclaimed while Eri already jumped on my lap and Kota rolled his eyes. I laughed as Eri hugged me, thanking me for saving her dad.
"I mean, it's okay that I brought them, right?" Katsuki asked, a little uncertain.
"Yes, absolutely, I don't mind" I smiled, slowly putting Eri back on the ground.

How did he even get them in here? Were children even allowed to go near me? I'm a villain for crying out loud! But then again, they've been treating me way beter than I expected. I think something is going on behind the scenes, something nobody has told me about yet. Maybe they won't tell me until everything is finished and done? So I couldn't intervene whatever they're planning...

"Thanks, for taking care of dad and stuff" Kota mumbled, a little shy to approach me.
"You don't need to thank me! I gladly look after Kacchan" I smiled.
"Tch. I'm older now, don't forget that you nerd" the blonde scoffed, yet he was still grinning. I rolled my eyes, sticking my tongue out at him. We all laughed after that, making me take in this peaceful scene. It looked forced, in a way. Like we were avoiding the actual problem. The fact I'm a villain...

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