Chapter 4 - He's back

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Pov Aizawa
"Good morning my favorite black ray of sunshine~!"
I groaned as I watched a way too happy Todoroki walk in. He handed me a cup of coffee, like every morning. He now had a permanent contract here at UA, meaning he had his own homeroom class and his own lecture. The perspective of heroes and villains.

Nezu thought it was a good idea to learn the student how villains think and that they're also just people who'd been let down by society. Toya was pretty good at the job, considering he's been a villain himself.
"What's gotten you in such a good mood?" I asked, sipping from my coffee.
"Nothing in particular" he smiled, stretching his arms.

I frowned, putting my cup down on the table.
"You went to see your brother, didn't you?"
"Perhaps" he smirked, making me roll my eyes. I knew he still had contact with Todoroki Shoto, his youngest sibling. It wouldn't have been such a big deal if he wasn't the head of the number one crime organisation in the land...

"Oh, come on, don't give me that look Shouta" he laughed.
"So grumpy... What? Isn't Mic giving you enough attention or something?"
I glared at him, making him shut up immediately and broke eye contact with a sigh.
"So? Any developments I should be aware of?"
He knew what I meant with that. The only reason he was allowed to go visit his brother was because he always came back with some intel on the D.E.K.U., intel we could use right now.

"It's a surprise~!" Toya smiled innocently, glancing at the clock.
"Oh would you look at that. It's almost time for first period and I have a lesson to prepare... See ya later Shouta!"
I grabbed his arm as he wanted to leave, making him freeze up.
"I don't like surprises" I hissed, my eyes glowing red. He let out a nervous chuckle and rubbed the back of his head before turning around to face me again.

"Alright, but pinky promise me you won't tell anyone, okay? It's supposed to be a secret"
Isn't all his intel supposed to be a secret? I sighed, rolling my eyes. The Todoroki's remain a strange species to me, even up until this day.
"Fine, I promise" I groaned, seeing his face all serious. This surprised me. Toya wasn't one to get serious out of nowhere, not for no reason. This is some really sensitive information...

"It's him... He's back"

"Him?" I echoed, making him bite his lip and look anywhere but me.
"Midoriya" he breathed, making my eyes widen.
"They revived their former leader"
"A-are you absolutely sure about this?" I asked in shock. It couldn't be true... No! The Green Reaper had died five years ago! There is no way-
"I've seen him with my own two eyes Eraser. It's true, he's back" Toya sighed, putting his hands in his pockets.

"And he hasn't changed a bit..."

With that he left the room, leaving me with unanswered questions. It couldn't be... It's impossible! There's no way they brought him back from the death! His body was gone completely, there was nothing left! He killed himself, taking his father with him. Now I understand why Todoroki didn't want to tell me at first. If he were to ever return... Oh God, this is an absolute disaster...

"Hey there Sho! Watcha still doing here? Class is about to start!" Mic screamed as he walked in the teacher's lounge. He stopped talking once he saw I didn't react.
"What's wrong?"
"It's nothing" I said, lying straight to his face. I know he sees right through me, but I don't want to worry him. Besides, I should run this by Nezu first. He'll know how to prepare the school for... For whatever will follow after this...

Mic frowned, placing his hands on my shoulders so I couldn't escape him.
"You can tell me anything, you know that right?"
"Yeah, I know" I said with a weak smile, giving him a quick kiss.
"Come on, classes are about to start"

That same evening, I met up with Toya for patrol. He became an underground hero too, since it's kinda a requirement to be a hero to teach at UA. Not that he minded. Besides, I grew kind of attached to his company in the long dark nights and Mic was happier knowing I wasn't out there alone.
"You're early" I commented at seeing the former villain waiting for me. Normally I was the one waiting for him, having to endure countless petty excuses for why he was late this time around.

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