Chapter 5 - Sapphire Blue

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Pov Bakugou
I was on patrol with Shitty Hair but I was distracted. Kirishima kept on rambling as we walked, smiling and waving at people and fans. I don't know what he's talking about and honestly I don't care all that much. I just need some bad guy to distract me from my thoughts. All I can think about is Izuku... He's back, he's finally alive again and I'm not even allowed to go see him!

Ei told me what happened when he tried to talk to him and ever since they forbid any visitors. I mean, it's not so surprising he got mad at Kiri for what he did but... But I thought he already moved on? Then again, I do know he can hold grudges for years... We slowed down for some reason and gave the red head a confused glance. But when I saw him smiling and waving towards the UA gate, I knew enough.

Lessons were just finished and those brats were making their way back to their dorms. I could see his younger brother and sister coming up to us, smiling and laughing. Tokeru was dragging another boy along, probably one of their friends.
"Hey guys! Nice to see you" Shitty Hair smiled ruffling the hair of his younger siblings.
"Oh, and who is this?"
"This is Suzuki, he's new" Kato stated, pulling him forward.

"Wow! Red Riot! It's so cool to meet you!" he gasped, making me smile a bit. He's so pure and innocent and such an obvious fanboy... It reminded me of my greennette. I heard another gasp and suddenly blueberry blue invaded my vision.
"Oh my God! You're THE Ground Zero! C-can I have your autograph?!"
"Sure thing kid" I chuckled, now actually looking at his face instead of his messy hair. Huh... He reminded me a lot of-

"Don't you want an autograph of me too?" hair for brains asked. I rolled my eyes, sighing.
"Of course!" the smaller boy exclaimed, pulling out a notebook. My eyes widened. I recognize those books out of a thousand. And when I caught a glimpse of his handwriting... No way... I quickly glanced around at the Kirishimas, but they didn't seem to notice it at all.

"Uhm, what did you say was again?" I asked confused, signing one of the pages in his notebook.
"Suzuki Itsuki, Mr Ground Zero sir!" he quickly exclaimed, a bright smile on his face.
"Hm, you really got lot of signatures in here already" Eijirou stated, wanting to take the book from me, making it drop to the ground. It landed on a page with All Might's signature spread out and my eyes widened before the kid quickly grabbed it from the ground.

"Thank you so much!"

All Might... If he really was an ordinary kid, he would've been a baby at most when All Might died. No, this isn't a regular kid... It's my kid! My Deku! I watched him say goodbye to his new friends, smiling and chatting like in the good old days. Yet his appearance changed... Did they do that to him? Or did he do that to himself? Red pulled at my sleeve, motioning that it was time for us to get back to our patrol, but I couldn't move. Deku was attending UA again... And this time as a part of the hero course! What is he planning..?

"Oi, Katsuki!" Eijirou hissed, pulling me out of thought.
"What's up with you today? You've been spacing out every damn minute! Really unprofessional and certainly not manly"
"I'm sorry... It's just... That kid with the blue hair... He reminds me of Midoriya a lot"
Kirishima frowned at that name, not making eye contact.

"Probably because he's a fanboy and he is the right age or something" the red head muttered.
"Seriously, I can't believe you still see him as an innocent little green bean... He was the Green Reaper, Bakugou. He was slowly turning everyone against us! He's a little manipulative bastard and things are way better now that he's out of the picture"
"But you're-"

"I know! But I'm not aiding the union for his sake" Kiri hissed, glancing around before glaring at me.
"He's bad news Katsuki... I won't stop you from chasing a hopeless crush, but I will protect you against him. You and everyone else I care about"
With that he started walking again and I shook my head, quickly going after him. He was right... The Green Reaper is a dangerous man and maybe I am seeing things that aren't there because I'm with my head in the clouds... I sighed, rubbing my temples. This is gonna be a long day.

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