Chapter 6 - Suzuki Itsuki

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Pov Kirishima
Like always, I went to base on the first Friday of the month. I strolled inside, not being bothered by anyone as I passed them in the hallway. It was known that I was part of the union and I sometimes even helped out on missions. I had my own villain persona and everything! While walking, I got a text from Mina, stating Rosa was at the Bakugou's so we could go out right away once I came back home. I gave it a small smile before bumping into someone.

"Oh, sorry, I wasn't-" I started, stopping instantly once I saw who I bumped into.
"Kirishima-kun!" he gasped, taking a step back in surprise.
"You're a part of the D.E.K.U.?" I asked in shock.
"W-Well, uhm..." he muttered, tapping his index fingers together in a nervous manner.
"Ah, there you are-"

Todoroki stopped talking once he saw the two of us together.
"So the union is still recruiting kids huh?" I asked, looking at the halfa.
"What-?" he asked confused before looking at Suzuki and straightening up his face.
"Oh, of course. You're talking to our newest official member-"
"Suzuki Itsuki! I-I was actually kinda raised by the D.E.K.U. since my parents died in a villain attack... I lied to get into UA b-but I really do wanna be a hero!" Suzuki exclaimed.

What? Raised by the union? Normally they give the children they rescue away to people they trust to look after them. I mean, that's how Katsuki got his kids so...
"Suzuki is...a special case" Todoroki said, seeing my struggle. He placed his hand on the blue haired boy's shoulder and gave him a small smile.
"Why don't you go to your quarters huh? Red and I have some business to discuss"

"Okay Ace" he smiled, giving me a polite bow before running off. I chuckled, staring at Shoto in disbelieve.
"Unbelievable... You finally got another insider in UA huh?"
"Yeah... About damn time, don't you think?"
"Does Toya know?" I asked as we walked towards his office.
"He does, in a way" Todoroki chuckled, opening up the door for me.
"Come on, we have a lot to talk about"

Pov Todoroki
I watched Kirishima leave the base before going to Midoriya's wing. I knocked on the door, seeing a small camera check me out before the door unlocked.
"How was the meeting with Ei-chan?" Izuku asked as he happily hopped down the stairs, running up to me.
"He fell right into it" I chuckled, making him smile and hug me.
"I can't believe he's really that stupid... I mean, he didn't recognize you at all!"

"Well, he did saw me earlier when I was with his siblings at school" Izuku shrugged.
"I guess he is just so used to the green, you know? It's pretty hard to see if you don't know"
"Toya saw right through you though" I pointed out.
"Yeah, I kinda gave myself away there" he admitted with a nervous chuckle, making me frown.

"It was my smile" he explained, giving me a bright grin.
"It's a trademark, you know?"
"Well, than you better adapt a serious persona" I pointed out, making him huff and cross his arms.
"Ugh, you're no fun... I already altered my DNA, you can't expect me to become like you" he scoffed, making me roll my eyes.
"Just don't get caught. It would be bad for our reputation"

"Like you care about our reputation" Midoriya laughed.
"Or do you really think I don't know that you've got bets on me?"
There was a short silence as I figured out what to say to divert his anger.
"Shinsou bet you don't even last a week"
He gasped, putting a hand over his head.
"Shinsou-kun... I'm so disappointed in him!" he pouted.
"Ahw, don't be mad boss. Come on, let's have some tea"

He huffed but followed me upstairs none the less, where we drank his favorite tea and chatted a bit about the new house rules. Izuku was to notify at least one person who possesses OFA of where he was going when he was going out and he had a strict curfew of 11:30pm if he was out alone. Furthermore, he can have full say in everything that goes on in the union as if he were the boss, although he insists I keep that title for now.

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