Chapter 40 - Meeting

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Pov Bakugou
I sighed as I watched the headlines, reading Deku broke out dunce face. How typical... I was already thinking it was taking too long and they might just leave him there. I frowned as I continued reading. Every headline was about Deku, Shigaraki or me. It's really no surprise with everything that's been going on...

"Are you ready Katsuki?"

I glanced up to see Momo while she was tying her hair back into her usual ponytail. She was also wearing some fancy business suit while I was dressed in casual clothing. Well, not like I don't standardly walk in underdressed when I'm meeting up with those ass hats...
"Tch, yeah, whatever..." I muttered, putting my phone away and getting up from the couch.

"You're really not gonna change into something else? Or comb your hair or something?" she asked.
"My hair is fine! Besides, I'm not gonna act like someone I'm not to get on their good side... That's what made me their damn lapdog in the first place..."
She gave me a sad smile and nodded.
"Alright, let's go"

With that we left her fancy mansion, where I also stayed the night, to leave in one of her luxury cars with a private driver. Every time again it surprises me how rich she actually is. If I were as filthy rich as her, I'd probably be bragging about it all the damn time. Luckily she doesn't, otherwise I don't think we'd ever become friends. I sighed as I stared out of the window. They were blinded so nobody could see inside. I really need to let my car windows get blinded too...

Avoiding the press is annoying, certainly when trying to take your kids to school. We mostly walk though, since it's not that far, but still. It'd be nice to have a family outing without the whole world knowing where you're going and stalking you there.
"Do you know what you're going to say?" Momo asked, making me shrug.
"Depends on what they have to say"

She hummed in response, looking down at her phone.
"Seems like the Reaper broke out Black-Out. No people were injured and there was little to no property damage either..."
"Tch, stupid nerd... He probably doesn't want to put me into a bad spot by ravaging the place after we teamed up" I muttered.
"Maybe... But destroying just for the sake of it isn't really his style" Yaoyorozu stated.

"Anyway, the fact remains that they have Kaminari back now. Poor guy... I saw some of the images, he's in a really bad place right now..."
"You could say that" I sighed, glancing at her.
"But we shouldn't worry about that. He has Izuku and half-n-half with him, right? I'm sure he'll be fine. He just needs to get over Shinsou's death"

"You say it so casually, but how would you feel when Midoriya got killed instead of Shinsou?" Yaomomo asked, making my eyes widen for a second. I bit my lip, looking out of the window again to avoid her gaze. If Deku got killed... I wouldn't know what to do with myself... I'll probably explode or some shit. Just like Kaminari did... God, that dumbass must've really loved that cat freak, didn't he?

"Ugh, fine, you've made your point" I grumbled, making her smile. It's not easy to get me to admit I'm wrong and she knows that.
"Still, he'll be fine. The union is a family and they'll take great care of him, I'm sure"
"Sounds like they've influenced you quite a lot" she pointed out, making me scowl.
"What the hell?! No! I'm just stating the damn facts you dumb ponytail!"
"Okay, okay! No need to yell at me!" she exclaimed, waving her hands around in surrender.

I huffed, crossing my arms.
"Did you at least make sure the press doesn't know about this?"
"No cameras or journalists will be present during our meeting, I can assure you" Momo stated.
"There will be some other heroes, both people who support you and those who are against you. That way they can get everyone's opinion too"

I groaned. Ugh, this day just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it? Nothing can make it any worse at this point so I guess it could only get better. We soon arrived at the building of the hero federation. It was one of their fancy, out of town, private facilities. I don't even wanna know what kind of shady things go down around here. Unfortunately we had no other choice but meeting here since their HQ in the city got completely demolished by Shigaraki.

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