Chapter 7 - Bun Bun

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Pov Midoriya
I happily chatted away with Kato Kirishima on our way to the locker room. Talking about how Aizawa called me out and how I handled it pretty well. People were proud I didn't completely froze up, stating the quirkless might be brave after all. I'd laugh at their jokes, even if it hurt deep down. They all saw them as weak, not equal, below them... Just because some people are unfortunate enough to be born quirkless, it doesn't mean they can't achieve greatness!

"Say Suzuki-" Kato started.
"Why'd pick such a ridiculous hero name?"
"Yeah dude, it sounds like a something a child would come up with!" some called out and a lot of people laughed.
"It's true, I guess... My name isn't threatening or serious and in no way would anyone dare say it's the name of a hero" I sighed, feeling all eyes on me.
"But that's exactly the reason. Because quirkless are seen as weak and pathetic and not meant to be heroes... A-and I want to change that"

"Whoo... That's actually kinda cool" Kato whispered.
"Super manly!"
"Tch, you think everything is super manly" someone pointed out, earning a few snickers. I rolled my eyes, continued to get dressed. My hero outfit had the outline of a bunny, with ears and everything! I had support items around my joints to protect them from any hard impact. There were reinforced materials woven into my suit so it could take a hit and my shoes were pretty much armoured.

My face was also covered in a special mask that would prevent any serious injury. And all this while maintaining top flexibility and speed. On my suit were all kind of hidden compartments where I stored my weapons, but you could barely even tell. To top it off, and matching my new persona, the suit was entirely blue instead of green. It made my eyes pop, if I do say so myself. Yes, I looked absolutely fabulous, so that's not what I'm worried about.

What I am worried about though is the fact that Shouta will be watching... This costume looks a lot like the one I wore when I battled 1-A for their practical exam and my moves and skills remain the same. If he recognizes me, it's all over...
"Hey! Don't look so down Suzuki!" Kato laughed, swinging his arm around my shoulders.
"You don't need to worry about Aizawa's approval, you know? He's already impressed as it is. I mean, the first quirkless in the UA hero course! Who would've thought huh?"

"Yeah, nobody has even gotten close before" his sister agreed with a smile. We were now walking with the whole class, so she had joined us.
"That's not true" I muttered, resulting in them giving me confused glances.
"I heard that five years ago, another quirkless student tried to get into the hero course here at UA. A first year even"
"Oh yeah? I never heard about that" Tokeru frowned.

"Wait... That's supposed to be in the year big bro Ei was a first year here!"
"Do you remember their name?" Kato asked curiously.
"No... Just that it was a boy and he almost made it in, but there were some changes last minute so he couldn't" I shrugged, keeping it all pretty vague. If people know I'm talking about the former Green Reaper, it'll only raise suspicion towards me.
"Hmm, we should ask Ei about it sometime. I'm sure that if it's true, he should've known the guy" Tokeru stated.

Soon our talking was interrupted by Todoroki sensei, who gave us a wide smile as he stood next to a grumpy Aizawa sensei.
"Come on Shouta! Cheer up a little! These are you kids after all~" Toya teased, earning a hit in the gut. The ex-villain groaned as Eraserhead took a step forward, explaining the exercise.
"You'll be sparring today. The matches have been decided by fate"
So they drew lots... Great.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. There isn't anyone in this class I can't take. I mean, I'm the Green Reaper for fucks sake! But I guess I'll have to keep my powerlevel on the down low for now... Can't be standing out too much. Well, not more than I already am with being quirkless and all. I sighed as my name was called, making my way up the playing field. In front of me stood Fuyo Suru, a girl from my class. Her quirk was called Levitation and was basically a weaker form of telekinesis.

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