Shocking News

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June 15, 2019

I paced my room in worry, I had been thinking about this moment for a good while now but I've been too scared to tell Got7 about it. I stood still and stared at the floor while taking deep breaths "I gotta tell them..." I mumbled to myself just as the door to my room opened "Tell who what?" JinYoung asked as he looked at me standing in the center of my room "Um..." I gulped nervously then sighed in defeat, it's now or never "JinYoung, can you get the other members and meet me in the living room? I have to tell y'all something important" I avoided eye contact with JinYoung to avoid his worried, confused big brother look "Ok...?" JinYoung nodded and left my room to collect everyone else

Before long all of Got7 was sat on the sofas in the living room and staring at me in the chair waiting for what I had to say. I refused to look up at their watchful eyes and decided to keep my gaze on the floor "Well...I never thought I would be calling a meeting of my own to tell you all this, it goes" I inhaled and exhaled deeply before speaking up "I'm in love with Jung Hoseok, member of the BTS Boi's and I also like the BTS Boi's too, they are very nice and caring-" I was gonna continue to gush about the BTS Boi's but Yugyeom's voice startled me into shutting up "What!?" Yugyeom stood to his feet in anger, it was clearly written on his face

Yugyeom walked over and stood in front of me "You like the BTS Boi's? You disgust me!" Yugyeom raised his hand to hit me but JinYoung quickly pushed Yugyeom back and stood between us, everyone else watching intently "Don't touch him! He did nothing wrong! He is still young and impressional, you sent him out for the first time on this solo mission, there were all kinds of possibilities for him and he so happens to become gay and like the so-called enemies, this can all fall on your doorstep!" JinYoung hissed at Yugyeom who glared back on the latter "This is all my fault? And who are you to assume this? Perhaps this is your fault?" Yugyeom harshly poked at JinYoung's chest which made him wince in pain but otherwise, he didn't falter

JB suddenly stood up and ran to JinYoung's side "Don't lay a hand on my JinYoung! I'm taking my gang back and you can just leave!" JB stood strong even when Yugyeom laughed, the room was silent besides Yugyeom's harsh laughing, suddenly, the laughing stopped and Yugyeom swiftly swung his fist and punched JB in the jaw, sending him to the ground "Oh my God!" JinYoung shouted and kneeled to JB's aid immediately. Yugyeom turned back to me and pointed at me angrily "Pack your shit and get out of my warehouse. Now." Yugyeom snarled, quickly I stood up and ran up to my room to pack before I got my ass beat like JB did, Yugyeom was certainly crazy and I wished we didn't listen to BamBam and broke him out of prison...

I hurriedly tossed clothes into the only thing I had, a small backpack, which filled up quickly and forced me to leave a lot of my things there. I tossed the bag over my shoulder and quickly trotted down the stairs and passed the Got7 members still in the living room, BamBam focused on Yugyeom who was watching me leave with a purely pissed off look, the other members worriedly watching me go and JinYoung looking between JB and me with a broken expression. I turned my attention to the ground as I continued to rush out of the warehouse and off into the wilderness as quickly as I could walk


June 30, 2019

15 days went by since Yugyeom kicked me out of the Got7 warehouse, I've been living on the streets wherever I could, making sure Hobi never found out since I didn't want him to worry about me, however, today I felt extremely sick and weak, I barely wanted to get up off the bench I was laying on, it got me thinking...I've been getting morning sickness for the past 2 months along with stomach cramps, frequent urge to pee and so forth. Worried, I decided to go to the hospital and get checked out, hoping I won't need a medication cause I certainly couldn't afford it...

I hobbled into the ER and checked myself in before taking a seat to wait, during the wait I felt my phone vibrate and quickly pulled it up to check it


Hey YoungJae, I was wondering if you wanna have a picnic for the 4th?

I smiled at the text from Hobi and quickly wrote out a reply


Sure! I'd love to


Awesome! See you then ;)

I put my phone away while smiling brightly at the thought of picnicking on the 4th of July, just then, a nurse appeared and called my name, I stood up and followed her into a room. After telling the nurse my symptoms I sat alone in the room and waited for the doctor to come in and check me out thoroughly, all the while hoping it was nothing serious

The doctor finally came in and took a seat on the swivel stool and turned to me "So I heard about the symptoms and how long they have been going for, I think we should do an ultrasound since male pregnancy is getting to be so high in recent years. What's your sex life like?" I was taken aback by the sudden question, although, come to think of it, I only had sex with Hobi 2 months ago...and it was only a week and a half to two weeks later I started getting sick, shit was I pregnant?! Since I hadn't answered the doctor he waved his hand in front of me to bring me out of my thoughts "What do you think about the ultrasound?" The doctor seemed to know what I was thinking since he didn't push further about my sex life. I nodded "I think we should do it"

With the go-ahead from me, the doctor nodded and called in a nurse to run the ultrasound machine so he could examine closer. I laid on my back and pulled up my shirt to expose my belly where the nurse proceeded to lather gel upon my skin to easily glide the wand over it. I briefly closed my eyes to prepare myself to see a small child developing within me, if there was, part of my was excited, the other part of me was freaking out tremendously

Slowly, the nurse pressed the wand onto my stomach gently and slowly moved it around for a few seconds before pausing in one place "There. You see this little outline?" The doctor spoke up and pointed to a black spot in the white and black mass on the screen, I nodded, unable to really make anything out of it yet "That's a baby. And from the looks of it, you're definitely 2 months pregnant. Congratulations" The doctor looked at me with a happy smile and I returned it even though my insides were twisting and turning in nerves and worry

After getting copies of the ultrasound I left the ER and walked aimlessly around the park while staring at the pictures, I was pregnant with Hobi's baby, homeless, scared, what was gonna happen to me and the baby? I certainly can't tell Hobi about this yet, I wanted to surprise him on the 4th when we go picnicking. I smiled to myself as I took a seat on a bench and rubbed my hand over my belly, hopefully, Hobi will be happy about this...But wait...we used a condom, how did this happen? I sat up instead of sitting relaxed on the bench "Was that condom really that old that it just didn't withhold? But there was obviously cum in it when we were done...maybe it leaked out of the top? A small hole?" I leaned back once more and exhaled in defeat, there's no telling how it happened, all I know is, I won't tell Hobi until the 4th and pray that he won't think I cheated on him

Dark & Wild: A HopeJae StoryWhere stories live. Discover now