Playing Boyfriend

14 0 0

Dec 5, 2018

*Filler Chapter*

I arrived at Nam's Cafe, my mind clouded by the betrayal of Got7, everyone encouraged me to pretend to be Hobi's boyfriend to gain more information, did none of them care about what I think? I surely thought JinYoung did, but I guess I was wrong... The whole ride to work I didn't say a word to JinYoung, which upset him but I didn't care

I dropped off an order to one of the tables then trotted to the office to speak with Namjoon "Um, Namjoon?" I called nervously as I knocked on the office door "Come in" Namjoon spoke calmly through the door, I inhaled deeply before entering the room "What's the problem?" Namjoon asked as he spun around in his chair from previously facing the computer on the desk "Uh...I was wondering if you could get ahold of Hobi for me? I don't...I don't have a phone" I mumbled shyly

Namjoon smiled and pulled up his phone "Here, use my phone and call him" I looked at the device in Namjoon's hand and bit my lip as I grasped the slender frame "Thanks..." I mumbled and pointed to the door "Can I go outback?" I asked since I didn't want to disturb Namjoon or one of the workers, Namjoon nodded which gave me permission to head out

I went through the backdoor and stood out in the alley with Namjoon's phone in my hand, my hands were shaking which made it hard to see the screen clearly but I managed to pull up the dialer and find Hobi's name, nervously and shakily, I tapped his number and pressed the phone to my ear




"Hello?" Hobi's voice came through the phone crystal clear, I felt my breath hitch in my throat as the nerves rattled my body "Hello?" Hobi asked again as I hadn't said anything "Ah, I'm sorry!" I spoke quickly so Hobi wouldn't hang up on me "YoungJae? Why do you have Namjoon's phone?" Hobi sounded confused "Well...I don't have a phone and I...I wanted to give you my answer" I gulped nervously "Answer?" Hobi asked before ah'ing as he knew what I was talking about "Right, your answer about going out with me...I told you that you didn't have to" Hobi sounded embarrassed "No, I thought about it, and I...Well, I wanna try it" I felt my face scrunch up in disgust as the words left my mouth "Oh?" Hobi was silent for a moment "Well ok, how about tomorrow night we go out to a movie?" Hobi didn't sound sure of this idea but I figured why not "Sure, that sounds fun" I bit at my fingernail nervously "Ok, see you then" Hobi said his goodbyes and we hung up, I leaned on the wall behind me and exhaled deeply, I hadn't noticed I was holding my breath until now


Dec 6, 2018

After hoping Hobi would call of the date all day yesterday and today I was very discouraged after he didn't do so, I wasn't looking forward to this date at all but with my acting training from JinYoung, I didn't let it show. Hobi came and picked me up from the Cafe after Namjoon let me off early since he knew about the date "Hey, how are you?" Hobi asked sweetly as I got into his car "Oh, uh, good, thanks. You?" I nervously rubbed the back of my neck once buckling my seatbelt "I'm good" Hobi smiled as he started to drive to the movie theatre "So...Why did you say yes to going out with me?" Hobi asked in a soft voice, this was the second time he asked why since our first date "Why do you keep asking me this? If I didn't know any better I'd think you really don't want to date me and if that's the case, why ask me out again?" I looked at Hobi with a slightly annoyed look, I wasn't interested in dating him in the first place so what's his point

Hobi stayed silent for a moment before sighing "I enjoyed our first date, I really did, I just don't know if you're really into it" Hobi glanced over at me before returning his eyes to the road "I feel like Jin maybe pressured you into going out with me, I don't want you to feel that way so I keep asking to make sure you really want to date me" Hobi admitted, hearing this from him made me feel a little guilty "Well...I am interested in dating you" I held my breath and managed to tell Hobi that lie if I was honest I would have to deal with Yugyeom so I just lied to him

Dark & Wild: A HopeJae Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें