Plan Into Action

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Oct 10, 2018

After Yugyeom threatened me I agreed to follow through with the plan, today was the day I was being sent out to apply for the job at Nam's Cafe. I piled into the van with JinYoung and buckled up silently as JinYoung drove away from the warehouse "Don't worry YoungJae, you'll do great" JinYoung reassured me "Yeah...I better, or Yugyeom will have my head" I exhaled worriedly, JinYoung sighed and stayed quiet the rest of the way to the Cafe

We arrived at the Cafe and I got out "Don't worry too much, just remember what I taught you" JinYoung smiled warmly, I nodded "I'll try" I waved JinYoung off and headed into the Cafe as JinYoung drove off. Inside the Cafe was super busy, all the tables were filled but Jungkook was nowhere in sight, I worked my way through the dining area and headed to the counter "Excuse me, is the owner around?" I asked one of the female workers behind the counter "Namjoon!" The girl shouted before continuing her business, Namjoon rushed out from the back room and up to me "How can I help you?" Namjoon panted "Um, I came to apply for a job?" I rubbed the back of my neck nervously "You're hired! Get back here and help me serve these orders!" Namjoon ran back to the backroom, I blinked a couple of times, that was easy... I stood up and went to the backroom to help Namjoon carry out orders


The whole day was hectic as I was there, around 6:30 everything calmed down some and the workers had time to relax a bit, Namjoon walked up to me and patted my shoulder "Thanks for the help, what's your name?" I turned to look at Namjoon and gulped "Um, YoungJae" Namjoon smiled "Well YoungJae, you came along just in time, I can mark that down as your evaluation!" Namjoon chimed "Welcome to the Cafe" Namjoon finished and walked off to the backroom, I smiled to myself and looked at the time, it was about the time I should head out and meet JinYoung

I walked out front and noticed the van parked across the street, I quickly crossed the road and knocked on the window, JinYoung rolled the window down and smiled "Hey, how'd it go?" I smiled "I got the job as soon as I walked in, the place was packed! Namjoon, he's the owner, said I was such a great help he's gonna keep me on the team" I might have sounded more excited than I was supposed to but JinYoung didn't seem to mind "That's great YoungJae! Are you off now? I think we should go report this to Yugyeom" I nodded, looking back over my shoulder at Nam's Cafe "Yeah, I'm off. Let's go back home and tell Yugyeom how great I am" I giggled and crawled into the van


As JinYoung and I entered the warehouse we were met with the curious eyes of Got7 "Well?" Jackson finally spoke after a few minutes of silent staring passed "I got the job, obviously!" I smiled brightly as Got7 broke into cheers and praise, Yugyeom didn't voice it but his smile said he was proud of my accomplishment, mostly because his plan was going his way...

JinYoung patted my back like a proud parent "Let's get some celebratory food!" Got7 cheered louder and quickly ran to grab what money they had, Yugyeom walked up and stood in front of me "Good job, YoungJae. But this isn't the end of your job" I stared up at Yugyeom and nodded slowly "Yes sir..." I mumbled as Yugyeom turned and walked away "Uh, Yugyeom, are you not coming to eat?" JinYoung called out to Yugyeom who kept walking "Enjoy" Was all Yugyeom had to say before he disappeared into his darkened room. JinYoung and I looked at each other before shrugging and heading back out to the van as the other Got7 members tumbled out of the warehouse and into the van


The next day, JinYoung dropped me off at Nam's Cafe just before noon, rush hour was at lunchtime till about 3 or 6:30 depending on the day. I went inside and glanced around the Cafe I noticed Jungkook immediately, his long hair stuck out like a sore thumb, not to mention the guy's he was sitting with, one of them had bright pink and yellow hair, one had a deep red-colored hair, one was dirty blond and one was a bright mint green, what kind of freaks dye their hair like that? Only two of the guy's sitting with Jungkook sported brown hair at a decent length, there was no mistaking it though, it was Jungkook and his friends for sure, not to mention the children hanging around them, there was a little boy, about 5 sitting between Jungkook and the half yellow and pink-haired dude, then a little girl, about 1, sitting on Jungkook's lap and another little girl, just a few months old sitting on the mint haired guy's lap

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