Welcome, Got7

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September 10, 2018

I sat on my mattress which was on the floor of a bare room in the warehouse, the mattress was stained and old, tore in places and had no sheets, but that's what we could get since we're flat broke and live in an abandoned warehouse. I leaned on the wall and listened to Mark tend to Jackson who was still recovering from his surprise attack back in May of 2017

"I still don't know who did it, Mark, stop asking" Jackson groaned

"I thought you were a good fighter? How are you still so battered up?" Mark exhaled deeply

"Maybe because I didn't even go to an actual doctor? I've been letting my body naturally heal and apparently that hasn't been going well" Jackson sounded a little pissed off, just then the door to Jackson's room opened and Yugeom's voice echoed through the wall into my room "If you two didn't go off to that motel to screw around you wouldn't have gotten beat up" Yugyeom hissed, still furious Jackson and Mark snuck out to go screw

I chuckled to myself as I listened in on them, Jackson and Mark both being silent as mice to avoid being scolded for the nth time "Get your asses to the main room, we're having a meeting. And get YoungJae too" Yugyeom left Jackson's room and walked by mine, shortly after there was a knock on my door "YoungJae, meeting!" Mark called through the closed door "Coming!" I called back and stood up before leaving my room and heading to the main room to attend the meeting

In the main room, all of Got7 was there sitting in a circle on old, worn-out couch cushions, Mark, Jackson, Yugyeom, BamBam, JB, JinYoung, and me.

"I've let this go on long enough, it's time to take those bastards out permanently. Every last one of them" Yugyeom spoke with venom behind his words as he looked to each and every member in the circle. Everyone nodded in agreement with Yugyeom "How do we do it?" BamBam asked chipperly, he's been Yugyeom's right-hand man since before Yugyeom joined Got7, he even left the warehouse a few times to help Yugyeom kidnap his ex-boyfriend's new boyfriend and to kidnap his own child back in 2014, that's some tough ass love

"I have a few ideas but I need help planning the rest of it. I need my most trusted members to help me with the planning and the rest will sit back and wait for the verdict. JinYoung, Mark, BamBam and I will be planning the scheme" Yugyeom nodded his head at each of the member's whose names he called, those members nodded and stood to their feet "The rest of you, dismissed" Yugyeom stood up and went to one of the other rooms of the warehouse, I turned and looked at JB and Jackson who seemed to care less about this whole thing "Well I know Jackson can't do much so, JB, what do you think the verdict will be?" I turned my large, brown eyes to JB "Uh...I don't know, I'm just here because JinYoung was hot" JB shrugged and walked out of the room, I turned to talk with Jackson but he had already limped off


I had gone back to my room to wait for the verdict, I passed the time by playing with a loose string hanging off the mattress "YoungJae!" My room door flung open and BamBam stood there in the doorway "We've reached a verdict. You're going out for your first field run!" BamBam chimed happily, sometimes I think he's a serial killer "What? Me?!" I rolled over onto my back from being on my stomach and staring at BamBam in shock

BamBam nodded "Mhm! Get your ass up and report to Yugyeom for further instructions!" BamBam left the doorway before I could complain further. I've never been out in the field before, I've always worked from the warehouse...I gulped before pulling myself off the mattress and walking out of my room to Yugyeoms "office"

I slowly entered Yugyeoms office and stood in front of the door once it was closed "Ah, YoungJae, just the person I wanted to see!" Yugyeom smirked, "BamBam told me you wanted to tell me instructions for the field?" I gulped nervously "Yes" Yugyeom stood up from his swivel chair and walked around his desk "YoungJae, you are the best person to go out into the field for this mission. It's gonna be easy for you, don't worry. You're not gonna have to kill anybody like Jackson had to" Yugyeom walked closer to me, I walked back till I was pressed against the closed door "Uh...Yugyeom?" I mumbled, a little scared

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