
16 0 0

Dec 31, 2018

It was the day of Taehyung's birthday party and everyone was invited to Jungkook's home, this was something Yugyeom was very happy about because it gave me access to the main target's home. I was with Hobi who just pulled into the parking lot of Jungkook and Taehyung's apartment building, from the looks of things the rest of the group was already here judging by the cars parked in the parking lot, I knew each member's car and color so I know I was correct

Hobi put the car in park and turned to me "Thanks for coming with me YoungJae, I know it's too early in our, uh, relationship? But, I'm glad you came with me cause if I came alone I would just be a downer on the guys, they all have someone who loves them and it happens to be our friends so I feel really left out being around them, so just...thanks for coming" Hobi smiled warmly at me, he was so genuine with his words it made me feel guilty for what I was doing, spying on them for Yugyeom's gain

Regardless, I forced a smile "You're welcome Hobi, you don't need to thank me though, I would have come even if we weren't dating" I kept the warm smile towards Hobi even though every part of my body was feeling the urge to puke, I had no interest at all to come here on my own and I wouldn't be saying this to Hobi if it wasn't for Yugyeom's grasp on Got7

Hobi thanked me once more before we both got out of the car and went into the building, in the elevator, Hobi glanced to me "Everyone else should be here, I think I recognized their cars out front" I nodded in agreement with Hobi "Mhm, I believe so too" I avoided eye contact with Hobi for now, feeling a little nervous about going to the enemy's party and household

Hobi walked up to the apartment door before I did and by the time I stood beside Hobi the door opened and Jungkook was standing there "Hobi, YoungJae! Come in!" Jungkook chimed happily and cheerfully and stepped aside for the two of us to enter the apartment "Hey, I hope we aren't too late?" Hobi asked as he walked in while I followed behind him "Nah, you guy's aren't late, just don't be too surprised when most of the food is gone" Jungkook laughed softly and motioned to the island in the middle of the kitchen which had bowls and chip bags and other various food items and containers, the trashcan beside the island was already full which showed the others had already eaten a lot

"Wow, I guess I should have guessed the food would be gone so quick with Jin and you around" Hobi turned to Jungkook and playfully fisted his shoulder to which Jungkook laughed and nodded "Yeah, not too bright of you to hold off till now" Jungkook motioned to the living room where the rest of the guy's sat around on the couch, Jimin wasn't in the room "Hey, where's Jimin?" Hobi asked as Jungkook led us over to the couch "Oh, he's in the kids' room playing games with them, Jin wanted to do it but Jimin likes to torture Jin, you know" Jungkook chuckled "Yah! It's not fair, I wanted to play with them but the kids chose Jimin over me" Jin fake cried and leaned into Namjoon who was beside him

Hobi cracked a smile and chuckled softly "So, hows the birthday boy? You're, what, 24?" Hobi looked at Taehyung who sat beside Jin "Yeah, feels no different" Taehyung smiled and let out a chuckle "Hey YoungJae, thanks for coming" Taehyung looked at me and smiled, seeming to be genuinely happy I was here "Oh, uh, no problem. I'm glad Hobi invited me" I smiled lightly and looked to Hobi who smiled brightly before guiding me over to an empty spot to sit


We stayed at the so-called birthday party for a few hours, the sun had gone down and the kids were getting tired since it was close to their bedtime "We should head out, Yumi needs to be in bed by now" Yoongi stood up with Yumi in his arms, the poor little girl was trying so hard to stay awake, fussing when she would close her eyes "Yeah, I'm kinda tired too" Jimin yawned as he stood up after Yoongi did "Alright, drive safe" Jungkook stood up to walk the two and their child to the door "Bye Jimin, Yoongi! Thanks for coming to my party!" Taehyung called out as Jungkook had already led the two to the door, Jimin and Yoongi waved their goodbyes before leaving and Jungkook came back over to the couch to sit beside Taehyung

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