forever and always with you- peter parker

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"Hey, it's okay, I'm here," he pressed a light kiss to your forehead and ran a hand through your hair as you buried your face into his chest, "it's okay. We did it. We destroyed the data files."

"Tony, where's my dad?" you asked once you looked up and met the gazes of all the exhausted faces in the room.

"Where is he?" you repeated when he didn't reply, eyebrows furrowed together in confuion. "Where's my dad?"

The grief-stricken expressions on everyone's faces should've given it all away but you refused to believe it. Maybe he was stopping at SHIELD HQs to help Fury with stuff, he always did that. Or maybe he had extra work to do and went straight home to finish it.

You didn't want to assume the worst. You didn't want to assume he was never coming back. You couldn't, and you didn't want to.

"I'm so sorry," Tony said quietly after several moments of hesitation. "He..."

"What happened?" you asked again in a wobbly voice, struggling to keep your tears at bay. "Where's Dad right now?"

The billionaire squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head, taking in a shuddering breath. "He...he didn't make it...I'm sorry, kiddo-"

"No no no no no," you whimpered, your bottom lip beginning to tremble, "please, no, this can't be real, please..."

"Y/N-" Peter began from behind you but you pushed his hand away, hastily wiping the tears that began streaming down your cheeks and began blurring your vision. "I'm-"

"You told me that you'd all make it back safe and sound! You promised me that everyone would make it back alive! You promised!" you yelled, your voice cracking on the last word. "You promised me everyone would be just fine, but he's dead!"

Steve and Tony began talking in hushed whispers with the rest as you blankly stood there, feeling a wave of fury washing over at the fact that your father was never coming back, no matter how hard you wished for him to.

Even though it wasn't Peter's fault in any way at all, you still couldn't help but feel pissed off. You weren't expecting this to happen, and now your worst nightmare had become a tragic reality before your eyes in a flash.

You sunk to the ground on your knees in shock with all the things you wanted to ask about what exactly happened, who did it, and why it happened stuck in the back of your throat. When Peter crouched down and rubbed your back soothingly that was it for you; you broke down sobbing but eventually gave up in trying to push yourself away from him, allowing him to pull you into his warm arms.

The tears were fresh and falling fast now, traveling rapidly down your cheeks and into your open, gasping mouth. Your shoulders wouldn't stop shaking and your fists kept clenching and your body was cramping and your chest was aching immensely. You squeezed your eyes shut in a desperate effort to calm down somehow, but it didn't seem to work.

Everything around you suddenly started to spin and colors started blurring together and when you got up, you couldn't seem to stand upright for longer than two seconds. You stumbled forward and sank back down into the ground again, several more hot tears dripping onto the cold concrete pavement before your world went black.


You were surprised to find an IV drip inserted into the crook of your elbow when you woke up in your bed. Steve and Tony were discussing something with Bruce in the corner quietly. Peter was fast asleep, his head resting in your lap as he snored softly.

"Cap?" you croaked out.

"Hey, sweetheart," he handed you a glass of water from your nightstand, which you gulped down in just two sips, "you okay?"

tom holland/peter parker and steve rogers oneshotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum