" Ochako you know that's not tr-

" Don't call me Ochako right now Deku! " Screamed Ochako.

" Well then don't call me Deku right now! " Screamed Izuku back to her.

Eri hid outside listening to their conversation. She couldn't take it anymore and she ran downstairs crying her eyes out.

*Back to the present

"I'm sorry Papa" Said Eri.

"It's not your fault Eri. Me and Ochako are just having a little fight. Everything will be alright okay sweetie? " Said Izuku.

" Yes papa. But why did mama call you Deku? " Asked Eri.

" It's just a nickname for me. It just shows how much she loves me" Said Izuku sitting on the couch with Eri in his lap.

" But she doesn't love you anymore does she?" Asked Eri playing with her hands.

" I hope not. This just happens sometimes Eri. We just need some time to cool down. Everything will be alright tomorrow alright? " Asked Izuku.

" Yes papa. But what were you and mama doing? " Asked Eri causing Izuku to turn red.

" W-well you will learn when you g-get older. L-let's just go to sleep for now alrighty? " Said Izuku.

" Yes papa" Said Eri.

Izuku grabbed a blanket and the pillow he brought from downstairs and wrapped himself and Eri and soon fell asleep.

* A hour later.

Izuku very tiredly opened his eyes.

He looked at Eri's sleeping face and a smile creeped onto his face. He carefully got up while just barely moving Eri and sat he back down on the couch.

After that he quietly creeped into the kitchen and grabbed a cup from the cabinet and turned on the sink.

He let his cup fill to the top before cutting the water off and taking a deep drink of water.

He sat the cup back down and turned around to go back to Eri, only to be met with the eyes of Ochako.



"....Hey" Said Ochako breaking the ice.

"Hey" Said Izuku.



".... What are you doing?" Asked Ochako.

" I was just getting a drink... What about you? " Asked Izuku.

" I was about to do the same thing" Said Ochako.

" I see. Well don't let me stop you" Said Izuku walking past her.

Ochako went over to the  cabinet and got her own cup and filled it with water.

She sat down at the table just staring into her cup thinking.

She than heard a scratching sound and she looked up to see Izuku sitting across from her.

"What are you doing?" Asked Ochako.

"Sitting down" Said Izuku.

"Smartass" Said Ochako.

She took a sip from her cup.

" Are we just not going to talk about it? " Asked Izuku.

" I guess we can" Said Ochako. She pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Look. I'm sorry about earlier. Your right. I should have asked you before making a decision. This is a big deal and I shouldn't have decided without your opinion" Said Izuku.

" No. You really didn't have much choice. I would have done the same thing. " Said Ochako.

" Does Eri have to do with the fact that you were a little upset when you weren't pregnant? " Asked Izuku.

" Huh?! How did you-

"I'm a smartass remember?" Said Izuku getting a chuckle from Ochako.

"Yeah. I just thought maybe a kid wouldn't be so bad. I know we are young and inexperienced. But if I had to have a kid I would be glad it would be with you" Said Ochako.

Izuku placed a hand on top of Ochako's on the table.

" I feel the same way." Said Izuku giving off a smile.

"Also maybe I was a little bit jealous" Said Ochako.

"Yeah that was pretty obvious" Said Izuku.

"Oh shove it" Said Ochako giving off a laugh along with Izuku.

Izuku stood up and held a hand out to Ochako.

"C'mon. Just try sleeping with us" Said Izuku.

"Alright Deku" Said Ochako accepting his hand.

"Alright Ochako" Said Izuku escorting Ochako back to Eri, to cuddle for the night.

Yes I changed my name. I like it better.

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